Right; i've come on my period today, after using 3 packets of the pill back to back, so its been quite heavy and painful. I've never used tampons, apart from trying them a couple of times but whenever they were in I could feel it and it was extremely uncomfortable so I took it out. Since the last time I tried them, i've had sex so though it would be easier to use, and i'd know what to expect in terms of being able to feel something 'up there'. Anyway, I had no problems getting it in this time, and I couldn't feel it so I was happy. However, as soon as i'd put it in, I felt really queasy and got quite a sharp headache, and actually felt as though I was going to be sick. I thought it might be the heat so I just went into my room and layed down, but I could feel it; not in a painful way, more in that I knew it was there. Anyway, it felt really odd and I just thought I should take it out. Then when I went to take it out, I couldnt, so I had to pull really hard even though I was scared the string would break. Anyway, i've taken it out now, and have a really bad stomach ache and still feel as though I can feel it. I don't know how relavant this is, but i've had the packet for a year or two since the last time I attempted using tampons, but as they were the applicator type they were in a little packet so didn't think it would be a problem.
Has anyone else ever had these problems?