The Student Room Group

would these affect my health?

rite, this might sound a very silly question, but I am a little worried.

I live in a student hall and my room is next to the kitchen. my bed is shared the same wall as 2 fridges, 2 freezers, a mircowave, and a big heater. I mean my bed is on one side of the wall and all these stuff are on the other side of the wall. So basically I am sleeping next to all these stuff every night.

So my question is would all these stuff somehow affect my health after a long period of time (I know mircowave would), coz I would probably be living in the same hall for 2 more years and now I would have a chance to change rooms before the end of the summer.

forgive me if I am being a bit silly...
Of course it would'nt affect you! The Halls wouldn't have been allowed that set up if it would affect anyone.

And why do you want to live in Halls for 3years?
Reply 3
Write in to Brainiac :biggrin:

Just so you know, even most high frequency waves are stopped by concrete, so unless your wall is made out of paper....
Reply 4
The microwave would only cause problems if it was on all the time.
Reply 5
so unless your wall is made out of paper....

Well it IS student accomodation :biggrin:

Reply 6
I'm pretty sure nothing's going to get through a concrete wall, but can you not just move the bed if you're bothered by it?
Reply 7
there is only one wall I can locate my bed, so doesnt mater where I put my bed, it is still the same...
Yes. It is a silly question.

What exactly is it you expect to kill you? You're sleeping on the other side of a wall seperating you from some fridges etc. Even if the wall were not there, the worst that would happen is that the heat from the exchangers might make it a bit uncomfortable when you were in bed. Or something might fall on you. The microwave oven, as has been said, would only kill you if left on constantly (the number of people who think microwave ovens are actually leakproof is shocking...)

The wall might not be concrete, and even if it was, I imagine it isn't that thick... But unless the equipment you described is emitting Gamma rays, I really wouldn't be worried about that.

The worst that will happen long term is that you will be driven insane by your own hypochondria.
Reply 9
Unless they're really old, the fridges, freezers and heater have nothing in them that can harm you. The microwave would cause you no more damage than to the person who eats midnight snacks every night.

If you're still panicky, you could always wear a hat to bed...
even if the microwave was on constantly, with the front smashed it wouldnt affect you the other side of the wall. The fridge, freezer? might make your room a lil bit colder. But then the heater would balance that out for you.
Everything for 'public' use has to be tested; if they weren't safe they wouldn't be allowed to be kept on. If you are really worried about it, unplug the things you can, ie not the fridge or freezer.
the fridge might explode
Reply 13
If you're still panicky, you could always wear a hat to bed...


I hear papering the wall with tinfoil will stop the Gamma rays too. And the aliens won't be able to detect you then either.
Unless they're really old, the fridges, freezers and heater have nothing in them that can harm you. The microwave would cause you no more damage than to the person who eats midnight snacks every night.

If you're still panicky, you could always wear a hat to bed...

Except that it would cook his kidneys...
Buy a lead Plate!
Reply 16
i doubt it if they are off..