Hey everyone,
I don't know whether this is a common situation, but I suddenly feel that my parents and other family members (aunts, uncles, etc.) are starting to over-care for me. Too much attention, talking too much about my personal life, etc.
I don't know how it is among other families, but I spent my entire childhood and teenage years "on my own", without the intervention of my parents in choices such as which school subjects to take, what should interest me, what friends to choose, etc. We also never discussed about our ideas about life, politics, or other debates at school.
They simply gave me everything I needed, I obeyed them whenever they needed something from me... and I lived my life. Was it wrong?
What's starting to bother me now is that all of a sudden they're worrying about everything. They and all family friends talking with me "ooh, you finished school, so what are you doing at university?" and talking the whole time.
Not that I don't respect their advice or so...but I simply "grew on a different branch", with my own contacts, friends... my life. I know what I like. My parents think they know.
Not only about university and stuff. About my friends. In all these 18 years they never asked me what my friends did. About my girlfriend. About everything that stems from my "private life" (as opposed to my "family life").
Okay, maybe they hinted at it sometimes... but now it's strange: they're using the same language and way of communicating as when they speak with other adults.
Is this normal? Is this because I'm becoming an "adult" and maybe they're expecting me to behave as such and understand their feelings?
Could all these symptoms be a sort of fear because I'm going to university and practically "leaving home"?
They're showing true interest in what I'm doing in my own life. That disturbs me, honestly... and distracts me from my "private life".
They're worrying about me. Yesterday I went to the emergency doctor for some small incident. When I came back home (alone), my father called me on the phone and was emotional and "I'm sorry that I couldn't take you/be with you" and suddenly started crying.
I never saw my parents crying! At least, not in front of me. Nor because of me. That call made me feel totally embarassed actually.
There were similar other situations. Especially my father is becoming very emotional recently. And I hate it.
I don't know what's happening... any clue?