The Student Room Group

Swollen eyelid - Help please?

Hello everyone!

My eyelid was a little sore yest but i dindt think anything of it, although lasr night when i took off my make up it was a bit sore. I have woken up this morning to a very ugly swollen eyelid!

Any ideas on how to bring down the swelling and what may have caused it. I am going to the pharmacy a little later!

Im freaking out I have work later and also i KNOW everyone will say dont wear make up BUT thats so hard for me. Im thinkin a side fringe n sunglasses!:p:

So ideas on causes n how to bring it down/hide it?

Thanksssssssss :suith:
Reply 1
Reply 2
Cold cucumber reduces swollen or puffy eye after nights out maybe it will work the same. Its possible that u have developped a stye at which point the doctor or pharmacist would be able to help
Reply 3
get a bag of ice, crush them, add some water and rest it on the eyelid without putting pressure on the eye itself
Reply 4
Its possible that u have developped a stye at which point the doctor or pharmacist would be able to help

I also think that u have developed a stye. Just go to a pharmacist to give u a suitable cream.

I too developed a stye, twice actually in the past. But with a suitable cream the swelling will disappear in no time!
If my eye feels iritated or sore, i just close my eye and wipe it with cotten wool in hot water, it soothes it very well, however warm water might not be good if its swollen, so try cold water maybe.
Reply 6
My eye used to do that quite randomly, usually when I had been crying, but it was always the same eye. Now it is more under control, I don't know how. I think cold water and lots of blinking might help, but I remember hiding it by just keeping my eyes wide open for most of the day...
Reply 7
Get some Brolene. Other than that, bathe it with warm water on a cotton pad.
Reply 8
You might have been bitten by something.

I had this problem a couple of weeks ago when I got a mosquito bite just on my eyebrow. It took 2 or 3 days for the swelling to go down, but a combination of anti-histamines (hayfever tablets) and ibuprofen seemed to help. Take as much as the packet dosage guide thing lets you.
Camomile teabags! Put one in a bowl/cup of warm water and then place it on your eyelid, applying pressure :smile: