Hi people.
I recently got my upper ear/cartilage pierced with a silver stud. It didn't hurt, and it hadn't for about three or four days, but it was sore if moved. Then yesterday, I was out with my mother when she waved her hand around and accidentally hit me in the ear.
It hurt a lot because it was already sore...but today I woke up to it hurting a LOT more. My entire right upper ear is swollen red. Twirling the stud doesn't hurt, but pushing or pulling it does. When I bend over, my heartbeat can be felt more strongly and I can feel my pulse in my ear, meaning that it throbs with my heartbeat (obviously blood's flowing) but it still hurts with extreme soreness!
I'm terrified that it's infected cos I actually want it to heal so I can pierce the second stud next to it. Even as I'm typing this, my ear is throbbing painfully.
Is it infected? My ear is just red and swollen, not disfigured or abnormally swelling...