The Student Room Group


I'm 15 and male. Recently I've been working out (a bit) to build up upper body strength and such. However, the other day one of my "friends" who I don't talk to as often as I used to, said - "You look different! You're not as chubby - have you lost weight?" I now have no idea what to think. I am 5"7/8 (roughly) and used to weigh 8 stone. After my recent working out I now weigh somewhere in between 8.5 and 9 stone.

Am I overweight? - I never thought of myself as "chubby" before and other people told me I was thin. As well as this one friend, one other friend asked me if I had lost weight as well. I don't know what to think!!?? I have now put on weight and people think I have lost it! Was I really "chubby" before, for my height? Or am I paranoid - or is my friend blind!? I have inadvertently been thinking about this for a while since she said it (my mind just seems to drift to it!) - I don't know what to think?
Reply 1
Nah you look better so people assume you have lost weight, but really you have put more on. This is due to fat no weighing as much as mussel but you can tell when somebody is fatter.

Its a complament don't worry about it and we don't know if you were chubby as we have never met you.
Are you happy with how you look?

If yes, then stop worrying about others but as zav commented, it was a compliment.
Reply 3
Well, happyish. I know it was a compliment, I'd just never thought of myself as a.. round.. person before so it completely caught me by surprise
Reply 4
doing weights burns fat and gives a more healthy look. it doesnt mean that u were chubby, its just anyone who starts to work out will just look more athletic.
Reply 5
Well maybe your mate just wanted to say uve lost weight and instead of saying "oh you dont look so *cant find the word*" decided to use chubby. I know people say flab,chub and all those words to sort of not make it seem like such a big deal.Thats my take on it! Becuase you sound fine! :s
dont worry. You will be fine with regular exercise.
Reply 7
He probably meant you look more toned now. I'm sure it was meant as a compliment. :smile:
Yeah I wouldn't worry about it. I think all they meant was that you had a higher proportion of fat to muscle before and now you are looking nice and toned. I am sure you look great and they are probably all really jealous of your new look!
Reply 9
Don't worry about weight; the best indication of your shape is the mirror.