The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Although it wasnt in London, I did work experience in the Manchester office of Beachcroft & Wansbroughs ( I think thats how you spell it). They were the only firm out of 70 who I sent letters to who offered me work-experience.

Unfortunately, unless you know anyone in the legal field, you may have great problems finding work-experience. Thats just how far up its own arse the legal field is!
I just completed an Easter placement at Slaughter & May, one of London's five "magic circle" law firms, which was awesome. What stage are you currently at, 6th form / uni ? Because all of these placements open up in your penultimate (usually 2nd) year - all top firms offer standard placements, which are incredibly competitive and pay about £250/week. Otherwise, buy the Chambers Student Guide for a tenner which gives you all the law firms which offer work experience; you have a better chance in smaller firms. And if you're interested in going to 'the bar' (the legal, not alcoholic one) then try mini-pupillages - a lot easier to get accepted onto as they don't pay.
Reply 3
hey ppl thanx alot for ur help i think i myt try in my uncle's office then its well small but itll hav2do
im in 6th form so this work exp isnt that important i suppose but u know
nwy thanx alot man