The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Whoa! Questions questions eh!

I have been allocated accommodation on Lenton & Wortley Hall. How is this

It's a really nice hall - one of my coursemates lives in Wortley hall, which has all the en suite rooms. Even Lenton is really nice and has a great atmosphere.

What does it offer?

Like pretty much all the halls, you have your JCR which runs all the student activities in the hall - socials, formals etc. You'll have the common room which'll usually have a TV, pool table etc inside, and the hall bar which is always really sociable!

I am doing economics. How far will my lestures be?

Well, depends where they put you for your lectures! If you have economics lectures on UP, you're very close - probably about 5 mins from the Social Sciences building. However, you may have some on Jubilee campus, in which case you have to get the Uni hopper bus there (it's free!)

Reply 2
Have a look on the weekone website: - its got descriptions of each hall and includes pictures and a link to their website.
ermmm ... further to what was said you wont have a bar you will have a cafe!! sucks I know.
Reply 4
Sorry, my bad! Yeah, cafe as it seems now... blame those at NH!
Reply 5
Thanks a Lot for all the Info. What about the Room Size? i checked a sample room on the BBC website (Dunno what it was doing there) but it was MASSIVE. I am sure not every single room is gonna be that big. Any ideas on how big an average room is?