The Student Room Group

The more I follow advice...

the less I feel...

on my own feet?

Have you ever felt as if by following certain types of advice given by someone else (your parents, majority of your friends, teachers, etc. or even online forums) you're "sacrificing" a part of yourself to the experience and control of other people?

I often feel that by following advice especially when it is based on other people's experience I exclude the possibility of having my own story, my own experience - which can be much different from the experience of the person advising me.

Advice, especially "resignation advice", can sometimes seriously influence me and change my attitude towards something I had previously hoped for. And attitude does count sometimes.

Advice sometimes underlines my personal subconscious pessimism, instead of helping me remove it.

I am especially addressing advice coming from "majority experience", and majority experience can often have traits of pessimism, stoicism, "happy-go-lucky"-ism, "just-let-it-be"-ism, "be-happy-with-what-you-have-and-dont-try-to-improve"ism, etc.

It's as if such people - just because of their Experience - try to drag you on their sinking ship...
Yes, agreed. I've always been careful to make my own mistakes.
Reply 2
i accept what ever advice im given but dont necessarily act on it, i just find it helps me have a wider viewpoint on the world, but ultimately make the decision based on my own instincts
I sometimes find advice confuses me even more! Would've liked more advice about post 16 and 18 career/academic options though and about gap years. School was rubbish at that!

..sometimes underlines my..

*slow clap*
*slow clap*

I'm half torn between laughing and thinking "you idiot" :biggrin:
personally i'd go for laughing..

..but thats just me