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Reply 1
Moisturise, but once the tan starts peeling off in my experience there is not too much you can do.
Reply 2
Moisturise, moisturise, moisturise. And once a week, preferably before tanning use a nice exfoliator. It gets rid of dead skin so your tan is healthy and lush.
Reply 3
get back in the sun and tan the new skin!!!
Ditto the moisturising!
lotsa moisteriser, and exfoliate, it'll reveal a nice tan underneath,honest!
Reply 6
After sun, always the best way lol.
Reply 7
After sun, always the best way lol.

Thanks amywalters. Your efforts are most appreciated.
Reply 8
As are yours I'm sure... :wink:
Reply 9
As are yours I'm sure... :wink:

Thanks. Yours too.
Tans are not natural, they are a sign of skin damage.

Your body is just rectifying that...
Thanks amywalters. Your efforts are most appreciated.

No wonder nobody reps you. :smile:
Reply 12
No wonder nobody reps you. :smile:

Oh no, not the rep! What ever shall I do?!
Oh no, not the rep! What ever shall I do?!

Sit on a computer and type sarcastic comments to generally nice people, eh.. maybe I should try it! :biggrin:
Thanks. Yours too.

Hmmmmm :dontknow:
Reply 15
Sit on a computer and type sarcastic comments to generally nice people, eh.. maybe I should try it! :biggrin:

Some sarcastic comments, but they are 'nice' sarcastic comments. Perhaps you should.
Reply 16
Hmmmmm :dontknow:

So, what is it you are trying to prove?
Reply 18
A proof via induction.
Some sarcastic comments, but they are 'nice' sarcastic comments. Perhaps you should.

I learn from the Master himself, you that is. Perhaps, you should try to offer a conversation and an opinion with some substance. Rather than petty comments to the peers of your realm, matey.