The Student Room Group

Painful shoulder

I'm thinking of seeing my GP as my left shoulder is painful and it's beginning to restrict my arm movements. A few weeks ago I started to get random pains in it every now and then, it wasn't so worrying. This morning I awoke to a dredful pain in it, and I just couldn't move as it hurt so much. It still hurts now, but it isn't as painful.

I think my posture is to blame. I moved into a new house 4 months ago and I don't have a desk for my PC, only a vanity unit, which is lower than a desk would be. As I result I stoop.

Just been having a look around on the NHS direct website, and it sounds like frozen shoulder. What do you think?
Well you're seeing you doc (or planning to) so thats good! You may just have pulled a muscle in it. If it really hurts take a painkiller but not too often and phone your docs Monday morning and get an appointment asap!
Reply 2
For temp. pain relief try putting some deep heat (or something like that) on it..and after an hour have a hot shower.And seing the doc is the best thing to do!
ps. What about popping into your local boots walk in cntr?
Reply 3
i think you just have been stretching the shoulder maybe. you may have torn a muscle or tendon. doctor is best.
Reply 4
Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory so may make you more comfortable until you get to see the doc
Reply 5
Don't know if this is any help, but I use to get really bad shoulder pains frequently, and one day I got angry and started doing shoulder raises, which made it hurt like anything. The next day, however, the pain subsided which was weird. Since then, whenever I work out my shoulders, any pain disappears the follwing day. Maybe something you could try out?