The Student Room Group

brothers eating problem

basically, whenever mum buys any food, he'll b the first in the fridge, and he will either eat all the good food (cakes, chocolates, whatever) or hide it in his room. this is pissing me off.

i think its quite funny that i have to resort to this, but i am looking for a fridge lock. not one of those safety locks for children, coz my bro is 16.

i've tried using google and ebay, but i only find baby products.
i was wondering if any of you know where to find one?:p:

and ive already told him to stop hogging all the food, but he keeps doin it. so confronting him isnt an option. also my parents have tried hiding stuff around the kitchen, but he knows all the good hiding places and will search everywhere.

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Bad batch of Cadbury's should do it.

Failing that, why not just stick the stuff into a lockable box INSIDE the fridge?
Reply 2
kick his lousy bum.. greediness is no way good at all
Reply 3
Sounds like my brother. They are constantly taking all the nice food. For example as a treat my mum brought cookies for us, my brother ate 3 meaning I didnt get one :frown:
So selfish
Leave leaftlets about obesity inside all the 'good hiding places' instead.
Reply 5
Umm laxatives in the cream cakes oughta do the trick :wink:
Reply 6
Buy cakes and chocolates on a day to day basis.
Reply 7
i used to do that.. everyone does it to some extent.. it's not an 'eating problem' :p: that's making it sound a bit serious. Who doesn't come home from school and raid the biscuit tin?
I just can't believe that anyone of yo can't see the severity of the problem. He's 16. I believe this is an eating disorder. Binge eating basically which might result to eating disorders, more specifically bulimia. At a tender age, there are chances that he might develop an eating disorder as he grows up.
Reply 9
How much is he exactly eating? You make it sound like he hides behind the fridge when your mum puts the shopping away and he basically stuffs himself full of chocolate 24/7...
I just can't believe that anyone of yo can't see the severity of the problem. He's 16. I believe this is an eating disorder. Binge eating basically which might result to eating disorders, more specifically bulimia. At a tender age, there are chances that he might develop an eating disorder as he grows up.

I think you might be reading into the situation a bit too deeply. It seems like normal teenage boy behaviour e.g constantly eating and greedy.
you're right. however i do find the fact that his/her brother hiding food a little bit disturbing. I mean yes teenage boys/girls can be greedy in terms of eating all the good food. however, hiding it is another issue.
you're right. however i do find the fact that his/her brother hiding food a little bit disturbing. I mean yes teenage boys/girls can be greedy in terms of eating all the good food. however, hiding it is another issue.

Not sure if it is. It could be seen as a sigh of an eating disorder but I think it is more likley to be just he is greedy and wants to make sure he can have keep all the nice food. That is what one of my brothers does, I will regularly find things such as whole packets of biscuits and cakes hidden under his bed.
Reply 13
I just can't believe that anyone of yo can't see the severity of the problem. He's 16. I believe this is an eating disorder. Binge eating basically which might result to eating disorders, more specifically bulimia. At a tender age, there are chances that he might develop an eating disorder as he grows up.

If you had a sister and she were doing this then I would worry. Your brother is greedy, get over it :biggrin:.
Reply 14
I just can't believe that anyone of yo can't see the severity of the problem. He's 16. I believe this is an eating disorder. Binge eating basically which might result to eating disorders, more specifically bulimia. At a tender age, there are chances that he might develop an eating disorder as he grows up.

zOMG why do people always assume the worst and start to worry the OP with things that probably arent even relevant.

Just sounds like the kid likes his food and hogs what his Mum buys.

Dont give the tender age BS, its total crap!
Reply 15
why dont u steal all the food from his room and put it in urs!


ps. jst beware u never know what u will find in his room at 16!
If you had a sister and she were doing this then I would worry. Your brother is greedy, get over it :biggrin:.

boys can have eating disorders too!

anyway have a talk with him its most likely he's greedy lol my brother and I always fight over the chocolate deserts mum buys :p:
i never knew my brother posted here! lol i dont think im quite so greedy, if its stuff like sweets/cake that every one wants, i dont have more then my fair share because thats not nice. PLus i often go thorugh phases of not eating crap like that.

Its stuff like ceral my borther complains that i eat too much of seeing as i snack on the stuff a lot, and also yoghurts. But in dont hide food in my room! All i have in my room is loads of dirty plates i forget to take back down staris and then my dad nags at me all the time bring down the dishes form your room and wash them :p:

P.S. you probably think i weigh 300lb's after reading that, on the contrary, im in good shape, though only because my appetite for food is not as great as my appetite for sport.
Reply 18
How much is he exactly eating? You make it sound like he hides behind the fridge when your mum puts the shopping away and he basically stuffs himself full of chocolate 24/7...

well she doesnt buy enough chocolate for him to stuff his face 247.
but i doubt that he eats it all in one go. he just takes it to his room, and eats it gradually, sometimes substituiting it for proper meals.

ps. jst beware u never know what u will find in his room at 16!

too late:p:

All i have in my room is loads of dirty plates i forget to take back down staris and then my dad nags at me all the time bring down the dishes form your room and wash them

dude, i do the exact same thing!

well only one person offered a solution to my problem, which was buying a lockable container and putting that in the fridge.

anywho, ill b at uni in a few months, then i can eat all the crap i want.
Sorry, to contradict whoever said about binge eating, binge eating is an eating disorder, as is compulsive overeating. x x