The Student Room Group

feeling down

basically my bf is going away for 5weeks on holiday to france and south africa so we cant see each other or even talk on the fone. we are both finding it hard to take in. he keeps sayin he loves me and of course i love him im just scared that he will forget about me when he's away. i don't know what to expect. has any1 had this experience before?
Reply 1
he'll just come back eager to see you. being separated from someone you love is tough, but in the end, distance makes the heart grow fonder, as the cliché goes. how you have you been seeing him?
The 5 weeks will be hard but yeah, it will make your relationship stronger. Relationships need a bit of space every now and again so take this opportunity.
Reply 3
only 3months but it feels a lot longer he keeps sayin tht he loves me and he tries and spends as much time as he can with me
only 3months but it feels a lot longer he keeps sayin tht he loves me and he tries and spends as much time as he can with me

tell him to buy a local sim if not in france then defo SA. They are cheap and keep in cotact via sms or theres free access numbers which allow O2, Orange and T-Mobile users to call abroad for free using inclusive minutes.
Feeling down? There's a song Brooklyn has on repeat all the time that goes....
when you're down and lost and you need a helping hand
when you're down and lost along the waaaaaaaaaaaaay
just tell yourself........................... "I'll, I'll be OKAY!" :smile:

Also, there's some mobile networks in France and Spain that have free call bundles that include England, get him to find out about those!
Reply 6
basically my bf is going away for 5weeks on holiday to france and south africa so we cant see each other or even talk on the fone. we are both finding it hard to take in. he keeps sayin he loves me and of course i love him im just scared that he will forget about me when he's away. i don't know what to expect. has any1 had this experience before?

I'm going through something very similar right now. While you love him etc and vice versa, try not to think about it too much - you do both have your daily lives to go about in the meantime. As DS said, a bit of space once in a while can do some good.
I'm going through the same, only for much longer. To be honest it is gonna be really **** and hard too, but if you make it through then you'll be alot stronger for it afterwards - I hope.
Reply 8
Yeah my bf is away for a month. its been two weeks so far, and although its hard its nice to not have to worry about his plans when making mine, and spending loads more time with my mates.
Try to keep yourself busy, it'll make the time go quicker.