The Student Room Group

Anyone seen that 'scented tampons' ad?

Ok, is it just me or does that sound like a hoax?

I mean come on, it can hardly be good for you to effectively stick air freshener chemicals inside yourself, it's bad enough the stuff they use to bleach the fibres white anyway...:eek:

Does anyone else think this is a crazy invention, I thought tampon manufacturers claimed there is no odour if you use them anyway - or you could just change it more often...and who the hell is going to be getting close enough to say "hmm yes, i like that air freshener scent down there"?

2 words: flavoured condoms
Reply 2
2 words: flavoured condoms

Not exactly comparable.
2 more words: scented pantyliners

Granted popping the scented item up there is a bit different from having it in your knickers but the principle is the same. I would imagine it would have to undergo stringent testing to make sure it was safe before they marketed it.
Scented tampons? Pft! Use a mooncup.
Reply 5
Scented tampons? Pft! Use a mooncup.

:ditto: So much better!
Reply 6
yeah, that invention is pretty stupid. it is amazing how women are paranoid about periods. and it is annoying that manufactuers have decided to exploit it too.

i mean, as some one mentioned - scented panyliners. now scented tampons. they also have those sanitary towels with the bloody baby wipe type things! wtf? i cant get that latter invention, i can only envisage it making you feel even more uncomfortable than before rather making you feel "fresh" like the ad claims.

then theres scented soaps and shower gel type things specially designed for your vagina - which could end up doing more damage than good. christ almighty. you'd think people would wonder how the hell others would have survived without all of this scented rubbish up until now the way companies are bringing out all of this crap.
Reply 7
Ooh, they've had scented pantyliners around for quite a long time though. I remember back in year eight or nine when I was on my period and i just grabbed a couple of sanitary pads out of the packet. I put them in my school bag and didn't give them much thought.

What I didn't realise at the time was that right in the middle of the stack I had picked up; Always had so kindly decided to place their advert for scented pantyliners. It was only a credit card sized advert, which meant it could get tucked inside things quite easily.

To this day I remember how red my maths teacher's face was when he gave me back my exercise book and told me I had left something which may be of importance inside it.. Sure enough, on the centre page of the book was the advert for the scented pantyliners neatly tucked in..

Ahh it was priceless. :biggrin:
Reply 8
I think haze should get in on this, you could get one of those ones that puffs and puffs.
I think haze should get in on this, you could get one of those ones that puffs and puffs.

Hehe, great idea! Might make you jump a bit when it puffs though.

Does anyone else find those scented pantyliners make you kind of itchy? Must be dodgy chemicals in there.

Anyone else seen that annoying ad for hygenic toilet people? There aren't any men in it, showing that it's yet another product to make women paranoid!
Reply 10
Hehe, great idea! Might make you jump a bit when it puffs though.

Does anyone else find those scented pantyliners make you kind of itchy? Must be dodgy chemicals in there.

Anyone else seen that annoying ad for hygenic toilet people? There aren't any men in it, showing that it's yet another product to make women paranoid!

yeah, i've seen that advert too. it has a "cleansing balm" - wtf is that? i honestly have no idea what that could mean. and i noticed that there were only women in the advert as well :rolleyes: it's such as joke.
Why the hell do we need scented tampons?Like anyone is gonna be sniffing around down there while you're on your period anyway...pfft!
Reply 12
Scented tampons? Sounds ouchy. A bit like when you were 5 and accidentally sprayed perfume up there...
Reply 13
dont get it, its not like people go around sniffing them. I get scenty panty liners, they hide a multitude of smells, but tampons is just stupid and pointless.