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Reply 1
Thats like saying do lads all like a certain band.

In other words, some will like the bear effect, some will like it to look waxed.
Reply 2
different girls prefer different types. But to be honest if a guy was hairy or bald on the chest area i wouldnt love him any less either way.
I don't pick guys based on thier hairiness.
whatever is natural really. If you're naturally hairy, that's fine (although hair is gross, waxing or shaving is weird imo :p:)
Reply 4
Thats like saying do lads all like a certain band.

In other words, some will like the bear effect, some will like it to look waxed.

I heard steps was pretty popular back in the day. lol
hair on back and shoulders a big no-no either way i take it?
Reply 6
i dont mind if a man is hairy anywhere, doesnt change what i'd think about him,
though its nice to have something to stroke
tu es homosexuel?
Reply 8
I Prefur non hairy!
Reply 9
Fantastic thread title :wink:
a lot of guy dnt like being hairy but its them i dont think they should
change there self just because there g/f doesnt find it atractive suppose #
you just learn to love somebody no matter how they are as long as you love them. i actually like men with body hair keeps me warm and nice of soft lol.
Reply 11
It doesn't bother me...I mean I've dated guys which are bare and guys which are bear as you so aptly put it. Its who they are that matters
definately bare i think!! hairy is weird it looks old! its more sexy waxed or shaved ;p
Reply 13
hair on back and shoulders a big no-no either way i take it?

no, i'm not bothered at all by hair, the hairier, the manlier. although when it gets to the point when you can't see any skin through it then it's time for a wee bit of depilatories.
definately bare i think!! hairy is weird it looks old! its more sexy waxed or shaved ;p

I love you :biggrin:
Bare chest all the way...dunno why. just think hair poking out the top of shirts etc as not good... :redface:
like eww
Reply 16
lol i would never be bothered to shave my chest for my gf.. if she wants to accept me.. she should accept me the way i m
i quite like some hair :biggrin: esp that line bit :biggrin:
just to clarify lol - do girls prefer a hairy chest or a... not... hairy chest?

and if it IS hairy should it be completely hairy for it to work?


with the stomach - hairy vs not hairy vs that line of hair up the middle to the chest hair....

answers answers please ladies?

This is bol*ocks....:rolleyes:
Reply 19
I don't mind really if I were to have a guy with chest hair - as long as it's not shaven as it gets really prickly and rough :mad: