The Student Room Group

sweat problem

this may seem rather trivial to everyone but every single day i seem to sweat more than everyone else does. i always seem to have sweat patches under my arms which i never see on anyone else. i shower every morning and use plenty of deodorant so i don't understand why this happens. does anyone else have these problems or have any advice?

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i have the same prob, always seem to be sweating even when im cold! i personally think it runs in my family cos my dad is the same, the only thing i really do is try to wear clothes that dont show sweat pathces and make sure i shower egulary and wear deoderant so i dont smell. if it bothers u that much go to the doc's cos they may be able to perscribe u some doederant which limits sweating?? (dont quote me on this tho)
but i wouldnt worry, i'm hopin ill grow out of it some day lol
Reply 2
how old are you? I used to sweat what seemed like an abnormal amount when i was in my mid teens, but its settled down a lot as ive got older, i think hormones play a big part. And this weather cant help. Try using a different brand of deodorant, and wear clothes that let your skin breathe, nothing to tight or with man made fibres.
try this thing called perspirex ( its like this deodrant thing which claims to close your sweat pores! i'm not sure if thats actually too good for the body but i use it and its really good! although you put it on after you have a shower and you kinda have to walk around for 3 mins with your hands in the air while it can't put your hands by your sides! which isn't the greatest feeling in the world but it means you don't get oh so embarrassing sweat patches! hehe! :biggrin: hope tht helps xxx
Reply 4
i'm 17 and it's been going on for ages. kept hoping i would grow out of it but no such luck. i do tend to try and wear black clothes but it gets really boring after a while. can anyone suggest a particularly good brand of deodorant? (i currently use dove.)
You can buy some expensive deodrant in chemists for persistant sweat problems. I think it's about £7 but could be worth it!
Reply 6
You could try Mitchum, that's quite effective. Just make sure that it dries properly else you'll end up with lots of white marks on clothes.
Reply 7
try this thing called perspirex ( its like this deodrant thing which claims to close your sweat pores! i'm not sure if thats actually too good for the body but i use it and its really good! although you put it on after you have a shower and you kinda have to walk around for 3 mins with your hands in the air while it can't put your hands by your sides! which isn't the greatest feeling in the world but it means you don't get oh so embarrassing sweat patches! hehe! :biggrin: hope tht helps xxx

hey this perspirex stuff sounds great but on the site it says you can't use it till 48 hours after shaving ur underarms. do u find this a problem?
Reply 8
...i do tend to try and wear black clothes but it gets really boring after a while...

Sorry, a little off topic, but if my GCSE physics serves me correctly, doesn't wearing dark colours mean you'll absorb more heat from the surroundings? I've been wearing white all day to try to keep cool!
Reply 10
Sorry, a little off topic, but if my GCSE physics serves me correctly, doesn't wearing dark colours mean you'll absorb more heat from the surroundings? I've been wearing white all day to try to keep cool!

Yeah but black hides the sweat patches!
anti perspirant

clothes which don't show sweat

paper towels if neccessary
Reply 12
it may sound silly, but my bro sweats like a beast and i recently read an article about sweating in a magazine, that advises you to trim your arm pit hair (is the OP male or female?).

seems to have worked..altho he left the 'trimmings' in a glass which i later found.


also - drinking tea, coffee and coke will supposedly make you sweat more due to the high caffeine content.
Reply 13
I use Driclor from Boots. It works the same as perspirex. Its kinda itchy though.
Reply 14
to the OP: do you sweat all over or just your underarms? Because you can use anti-perspirant there but there isn't much you can do for sweat anywhere else i think..

I had a friend who sweated sooo much it was unbelievable, eg/ once he had to run really quickly down the stairs to get onto a train and it was dripping off his face. Lovely.
Reply 15
Hyperhydrosis is the medical term for excessive sweating. I have it and it's really not nice. I can wipe my hands and it makes little/no difference - they'll be soaking wet again in no time, and this problem equally means that it's more difficult to find an effective deodorant. Mitchum is the only one I've found throughout my entire teenage years that genuinely works.

I also have this topical stuff that you put on your hands/feet/underarms before you sleep, then wash off in the morning. It doesn't work too well at this time of year but I'm getting a stronger lotion soon (prescription only) and it definitely works at cooler times of year.
count your blessings when it's just local hyperhidrosis i.e. just in specific places. Usually most topical solutions will sort out the problem. when you have general hyperhidrosis you sweat all over and it's pretty much uncontrollable.
One of my friends suffers from this, and i found a thing called 'Arrid Cream' for him... and it worked! You apply the cream to where you sweat and it helps to stop/control it. I got it from Boots (can't find it on the website though) and i think it was something like £2.75 for a 40g tub/pot. It comes in a blue and white box and the tub/pot is white.

It contains 'Aluminum Chlorohydrate' which is one of the main things used to help with this problem... So it might be worth a try? Doesn't cost too much and it might just work for you :smile:

I'd recommend Driclor too...its about £7 for a small bottle in Boots and it lasts for months - You just put it on before you go to sleep and wash it off the morning and use your normal deodorant. Depending on how excessive your sweating is depends on how often you apply it. I find once a week is enough for me and it only gives an itchy feeling occasionally. If this irritates you Boots have plenty of similar products - i just found this most effective. There are plenty of sites with advice on this subject if you look around a bit though.
I forgot to add - i found the message boards on the Men's Health site very useful - just go onto message boards in the menu at the top of the screen and then do a search...:smile: