Psychology is a very popular subject, hence, most Psych students want to go into a Psychology-related discipline, which makes sense. But you need further training, and there are limited places, so yes, it's hard to get into.
But you also have to think that a lot of employers don't particularily care WHAT degree you have, it matters that you have a degree, as it shows that you can think at a higher level. And a big pet peeve of mine is that a lot of people seem to think that University is supposed to be training for a job. In most cases, it's NOT. People don't go to study Biology and then go off and be a Biologist just like that. Most have to do a post-grad. Some people don't become a Biologist at all. The point was that they liked Biology, had the University experience, and enjoyed their degree. You may not be "destined" to be a Psychologist, there could be a really good other career out there for you.