The Student Room Group

Pet Peeve Rant; TONING!

One of the most annoying things for me is when people say things like

"Do reps of 18; it's great for toning."

What does toning mean? People seem to think it's "shaping the muscle" and/or making it more defined.

You don't "tone"; you build (strengthen) muscle, and you lose fat. This makes you more defined.

People; quit saying things like

"Do sit-ups everyday; it tones the stomach".

:biggrin: Rant over.

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Get down and gimme 20!
rant rant rant ;catfight; :p:
Reply 3
Get down and gimme 20!

Nah, i don't want to tone too much!
Actualy, apart from lossing fat and building muscle you can also make your muscles more firm, hence tonning. Its as if the muscles are in a semi tensed position.
Reply 5
Actualy, apart from lossing fat and building muscle you can also make your muscles more firm, hence tonning. Its as if the muscles are in a semi tensed position.

Umm... making the muscles more firm IS building muscle.
Umm... making the muscles more firm IS building muscle.

yes but its not the only thing you can do, tonning basicly means makeing them more firm.
Reply 8

LOL - Aced's point is proven. Low body fat = defined muscles, not low reps.
Reply 9

AArgh you fell into the trap of thinking you know what "toning" is about!

What determines how well defined your muscles are is not if you do "toning" exercises, but your body fat percentage.

"Normal" exercises (as opposed to "toning exercises :biggrin: ) build muscle. It's not as if "toning" exercises build muscle that is more defined! :p:

The only reason those guys aren't very defined is because their body far percentages are quite high compared to say a bodybuilder. It's not because they don't do "toning exercises".
I don't see the big deal about it. When someone says tone they mean lose fat and build muscle but if they don't use these exact words why does it matter? Tone is just a layperson term in the same way that other terminology we use isn't scientific. Eg there is no such thing as the subconscious, there is an unconscious mind (or so Freudian psychologists believe) but everyone talks about the 'subconscious' and say that they do things 'subconsciously' but who cares its just words!
Reply 11
Nah, I believe it's more than words. Here's an example.

A woman wants to start weights. She doesn't want to get big like a bodybuilder; she wants to get "toned", ie, lower bodyfat and increase muscle (as you quite rightly say).

She does 2 sets of 20 reps on every exercise in the gym with a ridiculously low weight because there seems to be some sort of myth that low weight and high reps "tones" the muscles.

Instead, what she should do, is lift heavier (for example, 3 sets of 10 with a heavier weight), do some sort of vigouress cardiovascuar activity, and eat a few hundred calories less than she burned.

I see your point of view, and there is a lot of truth in it though. However, this myth of certain exercises to "tone" the body is IMO rubbish.

What determines how well defined your muscles are is not if you do "toning" exercises, but your body fat percentage.

lol not true !!! I could have a really low body fat, do incredibly heavy weights at low reps, eat the correct amount of protein and carbs etc, and become a beefcake (still with low fat). But i would not fall under the dominant ideology of a 'toned' person, i will be seen as simply 'built'. If i wanted to 'tone' i would still do lots of reps (low weight not important, simply the highest reps you can do with the highest weight you can manage), my arguement is to 'tone' it is essential to perform lots of repetitions !! A person with simply low body fat is just skinny, and yes its bound to show some muscle groups clearly, because we all have muscle. :king1:
Reply 13
OK, i've lost you slightly I must admit.

Basically, body fat composition isn't directly proportional to muscle definition, as there is an important variable; the amount of muscle you have.

Doing higher reps won't "tone" if your definition of toning is enhancing definition. Doing higher reps will however cause muscle hypertrophy.

And for the record, anyone who has alot of muscle and little body fat will be "toned"; you can't be this and still be a "beefcake" despite what you think.
Doing higher reps will however cause muscle hypertrophy.

no, thats what doing lower reps causes!
Reply 15
Sorry mate; you've muddled it up.

Lower reps, eg, 8 sets of 3 reps, is for strength.

Higher reps, eg, 3 sets of 10 reps is for hypertrophy (ie size).

Have a read of this T-nation article.
Reply 16
Toning is the word used by girls who are afraid of getting "big bulky muscles" when going to the gym 1 day in a week for 30 minutes cardio and for doing some crappy machine exercises.
Basically it's an implicit excuse for not having a real workout routine and acts solely, if at all, for calming the guilty conscience of doing nothing for your body and health. heh.
I hate toning too.
Do reps of 18; its great for toning.
Reply 18
Toning is the word used by girls who are afraid of getting "big bulky muscles" when going to the gym 1 day in a week for 30 minutes cardio and for doing some crappy machine exercises.
Basically it's an implicit excuse for not having a real workout routine and acts solely, if at all, for calming the guilty conscience of doing nothing for your body and health. heh.
I hate toning too.

I agree; very well put! :yy:

Anyway, i'm off to the gym. I'll be doing 1 set of 500 on the hip abductor using 1kg of weight. :p:
Reply 19
Do reps of 18; its great for toning.

HAHA that's the sort of crap that people actually say seriously.

Unless you are actually being serious, in which case i'm going to cry.