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Reply 1
I think there's science, but then you have to do a practical exam.
Reply 2
I think it depends on the exam board and which specification you're on. I take French and German with OCR and we don't have any coursework; yet I know of some people who take them with other exam boards and they have coursework.

I take short course RE with edexcel (religion and the media specification), and that doesn't have any coursework either.
General Studies GCSE? At a guess.
Reply 4
History AQA, if you do a third paper instead of coursework. You can also do a writing paper instead of coursework for MFL. Short course RE has no coursework either (I don't know about full course though).
My full course RE had no coursework.
Reply 6
Ye Edexcel full course RS has no coursework although u can do the coursework option if u wanted
The only GCSE I didn't have coursework for was OCR short course RS.
you can do GCSE Business Studies without coursework IIRC, depends on what your school chooses to offer.
Reply 9
ocr long course RS had a non-cw option
I did Business and Communication Systems (not my choice), which didnt require coursework. I'm not sure which exam board it was with.
Business Studies with AQA (I think)
Modern World History with AQA
RE Full/Short with Edexcel

Some ICT courses maybe..
Reply 12
I did coursework for my French GCSE...

The only one I did without coursework was General Studies, so Calcium was right :rolleyes:
Short course R.E and for modern languages you can choose between three pieces of written coursework or a written exam. Oh, and Add. Maths.
Edexcel RS, Maths and Short course french
Reply 15
I'd like boards as well.

I think that all MFL GCSEs have a writing paper option, therefore they have a non-coursework option.

OK, so:
Religious studies (Edexcel) at both short and full courses
Business studies (AQA)
General Studies (all?)
Modern World History (AQA)
Religious studies (Edexcel) at both short and full courses

OCR as well.
Reply 17
Don't be so lazy! Coursework marks are easier to get than actual exam marks IMO. For example, I am no genius at chemistry, but got 30/30 in the coursework.
Reply 18
i think quite a few exams have a 'non coursework option' exam paper you can take instead. I'm guessing economics has a non-coursework option at gcse since i did edexcel AS this year which was 100% exams. But I think teachers prefer to enter their students for the coursework option (perhaps with the exception of modern languages?? French was my only gcse without coursework) as it is easier to get higher marks as you have a long time to complete the coursework (although what you do with that time is up to you!). I personally prefer coursework to exams (with the exception of French!) as if you get a high mark you can walk into the exam knowing you've already got 25%+ of the final grade and it's pot luck over which questions you get in the exam, which you only have a short amount of time to answer.
Reply 19
I'd like boards as well.

I think that all MFL GCSEs have a writing paper option, therefore they have a non-coursework option.

OK, so:
Religious studies (Edexcel) at both short and full courses
Business studies (AQA)
General Studies (all?)
Modern World History (AQA)

I did AQA history - it wasnt modern world history, but the schools' history project, and that had 2 lots of coursework - a project in local churches and controlled essays on ireland in which we could use our own notes.