The Student Room Group


i wieghed myself last night and i was 11 stone 11, Im 5'10"nearly 12 stone is not a wieght i want to be i want to be under 11.

So from tomorrow ive decided im going to go running. Im also going to go to holland and barret and get some metabalism boosting tablets to further eat it up. Its making me feel decidely unattractive. I have been watching my diet but im going to cut it back even further.

I was thinking of setting a moderate pace for say 20 minutes, then after a week or two make it for 40 mins.

Would that be enough to drop my wieght or should i simply run till my heart gives out lol.

thanks cadre
Sorry to hijack, but do those tablets actually work?
Reply 2
Of course they don't; they're a placebo at best.

The most important thing is too drink loads of water, and only build up the length of your runs gradually.
buy some FatStripper from LAmuscle, it works
Reply 4
So does a good healthy diet with regular exercise. And it doesn't involve spending lots of money on supplements! (nor does it f"ck up your body).
So does a good healthy diet with regular exercise. And it doesn't involve spending lots of money on supplements! (nor does it f"ck up your body).

Just looked at your profile, Kiera Knightley has a ten year old boys body anyway, but liking a picture of her dressed like a footballer....... youve got to ask yourself some questions