The Student Room Group

Kissing a girl


Was out clubbing on friday night, met a couple of great girls. The first one I met, was when I was at the bar. I looked over and smiled at her, as I was very very merry drunk at this point. Instantaniously, she struck a conversation with me. I was very cheaky with her and kept my sentences short and snappy, yet would just continiously talking about music or whatever, even if the conversation had 'died' at any point (which it did at one point).

Eventually, her mate came over, and asked her to dance with her, she didn't want to leave, but then said "hey I gotta go you have great taste in music". So she went. I had to go out the club for 10 mins, came back and she was snogging some random guy! :rolleyes:

The second girl I met, again being drunk - I just smiled at her whilst I was at the dance floor. She instantaniously started talking to me, we danced , I gave her a bit of my beer (cos she asked to have some), & caressed her neck as I spoke to her on the dance floor whilst dancing. Anyway, the problem I had here and with any girl (this always tends to happen to me at university when I am out clubbing) is I don't know how to make the move i.e. the right moment to kiss them. So what ends up happening, is the convo gets unnecessary dragged on, until the girl probably gets fed up and buggers off!

I have never kissed a girl and I don't really go out clubbing that much, only now I have been because of 'university/student life'....So this explains why.

Thank you.

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Reply 1

Was out clubbing on friday night, met a couple of great girls. The first one I met, was when I was at the bar. I looked over and smiled at her, as I was very very merry drunk at this point. Instantaniously, she struck a conversation with me. I was very cheaky with her and kept my sentences short and snappy, yet would just continiously talking about music or whatever, even if the conversation had 'died' at any point (which it did at one point).

yet she would just continiously talking about music or whatever, even if the conversation had 'died' at any point (which it did at one point).

Sorry I've made a mistake with my grammer, so though I'd correct it.

Reply 2
How old are you? I can't really give you any advice because I've only ever kissed one girl in my life and it was truly a disaster, but just be confident and don't hold back and be nervous. Kissing/sexing/all that shiz becomes harder the longer you leave it IMO.
Reply 3
yet she would just continiously talking about music or whatever, even if the conversation had 'died' at any point (which it did at one point).

Sorry I've made a mistake with my grammer, so though I'd correct it.


There is an edit button :wink:

Try taking the alcohol out the equation and see what happens then...
Reply 4
If in a club and you've been really close dancing and stuff then kiss them towards the end of the record.
If you're sitting chatting then it's slightly different but as a general rule if she's moving in close to you and keeps looking at your lips then you should move in.
Of course, in both situations she may not actually want to be kissed because it may just be fun to her so you might be rejected but no risk, no gain!
Reply 5
How old are you? I can't really give you any advice because I've only ever kissed one girl in my life and it was truly a disaster, but just be confident and don't hold back and be nervous. Kissing/sexing/all that shiz becomes harder the longer you leave it IMO.

Reply 6

yeh you might wanna do something about that. Just get out there, go out more, be more confident etc.
i think it was in hitch

lean in 90% she leans in the other 10

that should do it
Reply 8
There is an edit button :wink:

Try taking the alcohol out the equation and see what happens then...

I am a lot more confident with booze unfortunantly. Like, I can get more into the music, dance (even if I am ****e at it) and just generally be much more blunt & cocky. :smile:
I am a lot more confident with booze unfortunantly. Like, I can get more into the music, dance (even if I am ****e at it) and just generally be much more blunt & cocky. :smile:

Erm, try somewhere that's less difficult to get to know people? Try and get invited to some house parties or something...
Reply 10
I am a lot more confident with booze unfortunantly. Like, I can get more into the music, dance (even if I am ****e at it) and just generally be much more blunt & cocky. :smile:

Only a suggestion :smile:

Confidence is key, though.
Reply 11
yeh you might wanna do something about that. Just get out there, go out more, be more confident etc.

Yes this is the problem, I am very very shy. Especially about anything sexual.

Like there was one time I was at university; in a club in town and a girl asked if she could kiss me. So I got my cheak and made her kiss that :confused:

I just feel it is improper to kiss and stuff if your not in a relationship, as ideally I want my first kiss to be with someone I am actually going out with. But lately I have been developing a "what the hell?" attitude.
Yes this is the problem, I am very very shy. Especially about anything sexual.

Like there was one time I was at university; in a club in town and a girl asked if she could kiss me. So I got my cheak and made her kiss that :confused:

I just feel it is improper to kiss and stuff if your not in a relationship, as ideally I want my first kiss to be with someone I am actually going out with. But lately I have been developing a "what the hell?" attitude.

A kiss is nothing serious. It can be a bit of fun - there's no harm done! It's just good clean fun :smile:
Reply 13
Only a suggestion :smile:

Confidence is key, though.

Yup I agree. I am confident in the respect that I find it very easy talking to girls, it is just making that move on her. I don't want to risk it and get a slap. :p:

Which is what plays on my head when I am put in a situation where I do get attention.
TBH if you're confident enough to get on the dance floor and smile to girls and strike conversation it doesn't seem like you have a probem to me.

If they are willing to dance with you and spend some time with you then go for it!
Reply 15
Yes this is the problem, I am very very shy. Especially about anything sexual.

Like there was one time I was at university; in a club in town and a girl asked if she could kiss me. So I got my cheak and made her kiss that :confused:

I just feel it is improper to kiss and stuff if your not in a relationship, as ideally I want my first kiss to be with someone I am actually going out with. But lately I have been developing a "what the hell?" attitude.

There's nothing wrong with kissing randoms IMO. I once pulled like 3 ppl in one night (and I know people that have pulled way more in one night). It's only a bit of fun!
Reply 16
20 and no kissing? what have you been doing all your life?! One guy here had the right advice, you have to just test her with body language. Just do something like touch her or move closer and if she responds favourably then you continue lol. Once you have kissed it's free sailing from there to the bedroom to be honest.
There's nothing wrong with kissing randoms IMO. I once pulled like 3 ppl in one night (and I know people that have pulled way more in one night). It's only a bit of fun!

:five: :biggrin:
Reply 18
20 and no kissing? what have you been doing all your life?! One guy here had the right advice, you have to just test her with body language. Just do something like touch her or move closer and if she responds favourably then you continue lol. Once you have kissed it's free sailing from there to the bedroom to be honest.

Studying lol
Reply 19
TBH if you're confident enough to get on the dance floor and smile to girls and strike conversation it doesn't seem like you have a probem to me.

If they are willing to dance with you and spend some time with you then go for it!

Its no good, if I have the finishing skills of emile heskey.