The Student Room Group

Current g/f vs. The ex

Right basically recently I have broken up with my ex and have gotten with someone else! (When I say recently I mean within the last 6 months)!

I have recently been holiday with lots of my friends one of which was my ex! Well not long before we went, during the holiday and once so far after we have slept together!

My dilemma is that i love my current g/f and could never go back with my ex as we dont really work as a couple but my ex is far better when it comes to the bedroom and is certainly alot kinkyer resulting in a much more pleasurable expirience (my current g/f is good but no where near as good in the sack)

So do I blow the ex off or should I carry on with her and blow off my current g/f or just carry on with both?

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Reply 1
educate your new girlfriend, or suggest a threesome.

I wouldn't carry on with both though :s:
Reply 2
educate your new girlfriend, or suggest a threesome.

I wouldn't carry on with both though :s:

well thats a suggestion i never thought of but I think that will be a no from both respective females so thats out of the question
Reply 3
You are so charming, don't you just deserve them both. You are being out of order to your new gf, cheating on her. If you love her you shouldn't be cheating on her. & sleeping with your ex is never a good idea unless you are going to get back together which you obviously aren't. So commit to your new gf or stop playing her
forget them both... they deserve someone a lot better!
Reply 5
I can see where this is going! Girls will say stay faithful to one or leave them both and the most guys will probably say keep with them both!
Reply 6
Right basically recently I have broken up with my ex and have gotten with someone else! (When I say recently I mean within the last 6 months)!

I have recently been holiday with lots of my friends one of which was my ex! Well not long before we went, during the holiday and once so far after we have slept together!

My dilemma is that i love my current g/f and could never go back with my ex as we dont really work as a couple but my ex is far better when it comes to the bedroom and is certainly alot kinkyer resulting in a much more pleasurable expirience (my current g/f is good but no where near as good in the sack)

So do I blow the ex off or should I carry on with her and blow off my current g/f or just carry on with both?

theres a famous phrase from a film which I forget which says....

"YOU CAN NEVER GO BACK................"

It could even be from lost.

but anyhows, she ended up ur ex for a reason...

Ya should never go back, thats just a sign of lazyness.
Reply 7
Yuck, sleeping with your ex. That's basically admitting that you've gone nowhere and not grown in the time since you split. She's an ex for a reason, keep it that way and stop disrespecting your new girlfriend.
Reply 8
Yuck, sleeping with your ex. That's basically admitting that you've gone nowhere and not grown in the time since you split. She's an ex for a reason, keep it that way and stop disrespecting your new girlfriend.

Listen to this girl! she explained it much more elequantly than me!
Reply 9
Save them both and become single.
im a guy and i say stop sleeping with your ex
Reply 11
U r cheating on ur current gf....
U said u love her but i cant c that...poor thing!
Reply 12
i agree with most of the posts here, you seriously need to stop sleeping with your ex, unless you are prepared to finish with your new girlfriend, and want to give it another go with your ex, but it sounds like you dont, you just want her for 'better' sex.....

i feel sorry for your new girlfriend, i really do, she deserves so much better
Reply 13
U r cheating on ur current gf....
U said u love her but i cant c that...poor thing!

And u r using txt spk, which iz nt allowed.
Reply 14
oops sorry :tongue:..
Reply 15
don't carry on with both. you could end up losing them..
but tbh, if you are that concerned about the sex, and you are judging on who to go with because of that, i feel sorry for both girls.
never go back to your ex just because she was better in bed, try teaching your current g.f
best thing you can do is stop sleeping with your ex, remember shes an ex for a reason, you will lose both if you keep this up, how would it feel if your g.f was cheating on you with her ex.

least if your gonna go sleeping around, least end it with your current girlfriend
Reply 18
you seem like a ****** you dont deserve your current gf, end it with her.
Right basically recently I have broken up with my ex and have gotten with someone else! (When I say recently I mean within the last 6 months)!

I have recently been holiday with lots of my friends one of which was my ex! Well not long before we went, during the holiday and once so far after we have slept together!

My dilemma is that i love my current g/f and could never go back with my ex as we dont really work as a couple but my ex is far better when it comes to the bedroom and is certainly alot kinkyer resulting in a much more pleasurable expirience (my current g/f is good but no where near as good in the sack)

So do I blow the ex off or should I carry on with her and blow off my current g/f or just carry on with both?

You actually disgust me.

Show some remorse you cheating scum.