Ever since I got my car, my girlfriend and her dad seem to be taking advantage of me as neither of them have drivers lisences.
I've had my liscence for about 6 months, but as yet I have not yet been on a motorway or in a major city, as I've had no need to. The furthest I have travelled is between the two local towns I live near.
They always put me on the spot to do them favours in the form of driving them places, and act like it is OK if I cant take them somewhere, when I know damn right that if I say no, they'd take it all personally and think I'm selfish.
Just the other day, they asked me to drive somewhere in the south of england (about 100 miles) to take htem to an uncles birthday party. When I seemed uneasy about the request, they put the uncle on the phone to tell me how "easy" it was to get there, so I unwillingly said ok, yet my body language made it blindingly obvious that I was unhappy. There is no way my parents would let me drive to this place, especially as I have never been on a motorway before, and none of us really have that big an idea how to get there (except for using AA route planner). Finally, on the night before the event, I've decided not to go, so I told my gf this, and now I'm made out to be a complete *******, being told that I always let people down, and being told that im completely thoughtless and idiotic for being such a "careful driver".
Am I really that much in the wrong? I feel like a complete piece of **** right now. I just want to be left alone.