The Student Room Group

His reaction to me asking if he likes me (sorry longish post!)

I met this guy at a uni speed dating night almost a year ago and since then we go out (in a group) every couple of weeks and we flirt outrageously but after almost a year I was questionning whether he actually likes me or if he's just a really flirtatious guy. He hasn't made any moves on me and I (was) reluctant to put it out there that I like him a lot in case I get the door slammed in my face. Anyway the other night we were out at a bar and me and him were talking together while our mates were off playing pool. He made a joke like "cmon you love me" and I said "no I like you silly" and there was no awkwardness after that but.....a little while later I asked him "do you like me like that" meaning more than friends....

He had a lot of fun with it at my expense, making me spell out what "that way" is exactly and why I was even asking when we spend a lot of time together. He asked if I liked him that way but I said he had to answer first. He was a bit hurtful saying he didn't take me for the insecure type and he thought I was smarter (he compared me to this 16 yr old who has the hots for him and said he didn't think I was an "idiot like her"). He threw a yes into a sentence but I wasn't sure if he meant "yes I do" or "yes I'll have a beer mate so he said he'd call me when we got home and it was quieter so we could talk about it and we left it like that.

That was on Thursday and he hasn't called. What should I do? Right now I'm at the bottom of a pit of embarassment and as he's the one who said he'd call I don't want to go running after him in case he's thinking of a nice way to let me down gently. :frown:
Reply 1
Well you got 2 choices, you can move on and label him as a player who doesnt care for your feeling. Or you can ring him and try and clear the confusion up, its highly possible he was expect you to ring him.

You need to get him alone and explore where both of you see it going. Because if it isn't in the same direction, you should move on now and save yourself heartbreak down the line.
he sounds a bit of a player to me after 1 thing
Reply 3
aww chick :hugs: well give it time and see what happens.Theres no point dwelling on it esp. after seing how he reacted.Maybe he needs time too?
Don't get your hopes high.
You meet all sorts of people at uni..and at speed dating!