The Student Room Group
Reply 1
i'd never heard of it until about a week ago when a thread was posted on TSR!
It looks really nice...but as its not an official hall, maybe not as sociable, especially if you're not sharing a kitchen or anything...looks nice and modern though, very comfy!
Information about Carr Mills will be going up on our website tomorrow (hopefully) but in the meantime...

There are 2 bits to Carr Mills - part of it is a proper hall of residence housing 300 students, managed by the University and housing University of Leeds first years (and some new exchange students).

The other part is 71 1 and 2 bed private flats. Quite a few of these may end up being rented by students (though usually 2nd and 3rd years or postgrads) and the rest will probably be "young professionals"

The link posted is to the private bit - the student bit isn't quite as plush but it's still really nice (comparable to places like Leodis and James Baillie). We'll try and get some photos up on the website as soon as we can.

We've got a new Warden down there for September who is really nice and is very keen on getting lots of social stuff set up so should be a good place to live. And it's en suite, internet connected, easy walk to campus and brand new!
Reply 4
Just out of interest, how close are these private flats the the uni accom? I can't really imagine young professionals wanting to live in the vicinity of a bunch of raucous 1st years but maybe I'm missing something?
Reply 5
I've noticed that the Leeds University website now has info about it

By the way, have any people with unconditional offers been allocated to it?????
Reply 6
That accomodation looks really nice, and from what is on the Uni site, sound really good too... i want to go there!
Reply 7
Yep, I've got an unconditional offer and I've been allocated it!! I applied for Leodis as my first choice - didn't even know about Carr Mills at the time!

Sam xx
Reply 8
Damn you Sam, im jealous =( If i dont get in there fancy having a lodger for a year? =P
Reply 9
if i don't get my first choice (devonshire hall) i really wouldn't mind carr mills
Reply 10
If anyone gets Carr Mills as there accommodation then do let me know!!!

Still haven't spoken to anyone who is gonna live there so I think I'm on my own!! Eeeek!

Sam xx
Reply 11
yeah... two of my mates are livin there at the moment for the year... infact i was there only a few hours ago lol, its pretty nice you know, not too far from town/hyde park either... id recommend it if you aint got anywhere, or if you want to live there...

and xbabygrrrx ill be round there loads neway seein my mates, you'll prob chat to them wen u move there neway, they are nice guys :biggrin:
Reply 12
Hey iv just been allocated Carr Mills!! Block C Room 0691!!! I applied to leodis as first choice too cos i didnt know about this place either !!! xxx
Reply 13
I've been allocated Carr Mills (Block C Room 0987) as well, looks really nice! Leodis was my first choice too so I think lots of people who chose leodis will and up there. Really exciting!!
Reply 14
hey just found out that im in carr mills, block c room 0956. wasnt my first choice but looks well nice anyone herd anythin bout it,
I applied for Leodis but got put in Carr Mills. I cant say i mind especially ... I think it actually looks nicer, the only downside being that its further away from the campus, but never mind.
Im in Block D, Room 1186.
I never heard of Carr Mills until a few days ago..

I am gonna look at it on the website now actually.
Reply 17
It looks reallllllly niceeeeeee. I wanna live there :frown:
Reply 18
Ok i think im gonna have a whole flat to myself by the looks of things! :wink: