seems you are being a bit blinded by love.
it is obvious that you don't seem to get on too well, despite you saying that you do at some times. if this bloke really loved you, he would respect you and not tell you to kill yourself and such.. he sounds a bit weird.
this relationship is obviously making you both miserable, angry and annoyed. what is the point of carrying on? i know you love him, but this isn't a relationship. relationships are meant to be happy things, whereby you enjoy the time you spend together - you certainly don't spend every second at each others throats.
it's hard for people to change too. ok, he shouldn't treat anyone like this, but what's saying he would change? he may say he will, but he may never. i can also understand that at this point you can't imagine yourself being with anyone else. i think you have become a little too dependent on this guy, and you need to start spreading your wings and not leaning on him quite so much. this is why you can't imagine yourself without him; you probably fear being alone. although it may seem bad now, if you do have to leave him, you will find someone else. things usually look dark and dysmal after a breakup, but they always pick up; they say time is the best healer.
you have a number of options here. you stay with the guy and carry on getting hurt; you have a break of a few weeks maybe, to let things settle down and be away from each other; you leave him, and find someone who appreciates you.