The Student Room Group

Lump on foot (ankle)

This is a bit random but about 4 days ago, I had a lump come up on the top of my foot, inbetween where the ankle joints are on either side.

At first it felt 'squiggy', like there was liquid inside, but now its gone hard and is getting bigger. It doesnt hurt to touch but my ankle and lower leg ache slightly. Its slightly red, not really that noticeable, but does stick out quite a lot. I would estimate it to be about half the size of a golf ball.

Im totally baffled by this. Ive been on my feet loads recently as Ive been working overtime, could that be why? I havent got one on my other foot and my shoes havent been rubbing or anything, neither have I injured it. Any ideas? Does this warrant a trip to my GP or should I leave it to heal by itself?
Reply 1
Reply 2
Go see your GP, or at least the nurse. Ignore Clarence.
Reply 3
Yeah, ignore me.
Reply 4

Thats not funny :mad:

If you're worried, you should see your GP just to make sure. It's come up really quickly and you've been on your feet a lot so it could be that, but it'd put your mind at rest to see your doctor :smile:
Reply 5
Yeah! it's not funny Clarry. *teams up with Gem*
Reply 6
Thanks for the replies. Ive been doing some looking on the web and I think it might be a ganglion cyst- Ive found a few websites listing the symptoms, pictures etc, so Im pretty sure its that. Will see my GP tomorrow hopefully though to be sure. Thanks again x:smile:
Reply 7
Yeah! it's not funny Clarry. *teams up with Gem*

I thought it was funny *rival team*
Reply 8
I thought it was funny *rival team*

Yeah because cancer is a laughing matter isn't it. :rolleyes:
Reply 9
Yeah because cancer is a laughing matter isn't it. :rolleyes:

Exactly :frown:

I'm glad you think you know what it is and you're getting it checked out :smile: Best thing to do :yy:
Yeah because cancer is a laughing matter isn't it. :rolleyes:

Reply 11

Who knows?
Reply 12
To the op...was just wondering if you managed to find out what it was when went to the docs.
To the op...was just wondering if you managed to find out what it was when went to the docs.

Because you're nosey?