The Student Room Group

im so sad

none of my friends wanna c me anymore and i didnt do nothing wrong
for example this one guy who i used to hang around with all the time has just suddenly stopped talking 2 me, he went on holiday with 2 guys and now is suddenly hanging around much with them after they all got back
am i just getting paranoid? another example, i send an emaail to a guy asking if he can take me by car to a guys house, but he emails back sayiing 'he cant'
they probably are just buzzy with something and ur friend who dnt talk to u no more should not be called a friend if he stopped just cause he met other guys
Reply 2
What if he genuinly can't? Just snap out of it. Although it may be hard, go out and meet new people.
When your friends meet new people, they often spend more time with them than with older friends. It's just what happens. Don't give up on them, give them some time and as things settle down, they'll probably go back to putting effort into your friendship [they'll realise the uber-cool new friends are actually just normal people :p: ].

I agree that making new friends seems like a good idea as well.