The Student Room Group
yes, call a dok or ambulance!!
Call the NHS Direct number
Reply 3
arrange a doctors appointment for tomorrow
Reply 4

My stomach has really been hurting me for about two days now. I'm really worrying about it and i don't know what it could be. Should i call an ambulance or something?

could be absolutely anything, like a stomach ache/trapped wind (Sorry to be crude) to something like appendicitis. i know wen i had pains the doctor suspected appendicitis but it eventually got better. find a medical kinda website on the net where u can put in ur symptoms and see wat comes up. or like the clever person above said, NHS Direct are there for dealing with stuff like this.
Reply 5
just stomache ache? whats your gender and age.

dont call an abulanance they have to deal with enough crap calls as it is.
Does your breath smell of apples? Apparently that can happen with appendicitis. Also, is the pain towards the right-hand side?
Reply 7
If you really can't judge how serious it is then call NHS direct and they will advise you on the best thing to do. 0845 4647.

Ambulances are for emergencies and if you've survived this pain for the past 2 days it doesn't really sound like an emergency. If you think you urgently need medical treatment then get a friend/relative/housemate to drive you to the hospital or take a cab there.

If the pain is bearable then I'd suggest calling your dcotor early in the morning and asking for an appointment. Tell them it is urgent and they be able to squeeze you in.

Really do call the NHS number first though..a qualified nurse will be able to help you infinitely better than anyone on here.