Forgot my keys and it was 11.30 by which time everyone in the
house is sleeping (lucky it wasnt a friday because i was home at 1 am!)
anyway my knuckles were nealry bledding from all the knocking, for like 15 minutes and had to resort to shouting 'mum!!!' which echoed horribly down the street i might add. I was getting pretty damn worried i tell you,
imagining myself curled up in a ball on the concrete with spiders
crawling up all over me, aargh! Anyhow my sister was in luckily and
funnily enough she lives in the attic and was the only one who heard
me, and my mum and her fiance were still snoring their heads off in bed, can you believe it?! I dont want to think about the situation if my sis
wasnt in...
anyway..any stories of being being locked out of your house late at night?