The Student Room Group

Locked out of the house late at night..

Forgot my keys and it was 11.30 by which time everyone in the
house is sleeping (lucky it wasnt a friday because i was home at 1 am!)
anyway my knuckles were nealry bledding from all the knocking, for like 15 minutes and had to resort to shouting 'mum!!!' which echoed horribly down the street i might add. I was getting pretty damn worried i tell you,
imagining myself curled up in a ball on the concrete with spiders
crawling up all over me, aargh! Anyhow my sister was in luckily and
funnily enough she lives in the attic and was the only one who heard
me, and my mum and her fiance were still snoring their heads off in bed, can you believe it?! I dont want to think about the situation if my sis
wasnt in...

anyway..any stories of being being locked out of your house late at night?
Reply 1
Locked my mum out once, accidently of course.

She rang the doorbell, my mobile and was calling my name and I slept right through it. Luckily she woke up the neighbours and they gave her a bed for the night.
Reply 2

anyway..any stories of being being locked out of your house late at night?

Reply 3
Last time I was locked out, I put the wheelie bin against the wall, climber on it so that I was on the ledge that hangs over the front door, then I climbed along to me bedroom window and climbed through.

Was a good idea until a neighbour got the police out over a 'burglar' :redface:
Reply 4
ha! for some reason my key never works properly in ma door, or ma dad is usually sleeping and does not hear me knocking. The good thing is that I made friends with the next door neighbours, so I go there each time I am locked outside. Its quite bad coz thats the only time I ever speak to them. lol. but they dont mind. he he
Reply 5
A couple of times.. once i rang my ex (3am) woke her up, she went insane but let me walk to hers (a trek i tell you) n' stay there. the other, i woke my mate up. sorted.
Reply 6
Never been in that situation, but if I was I would go back into town, get utterly hammered, would take me about 2-3 hours to crawl back home (usually takes 30 mins sober) and by that time it would be about 6am, then I would sit outside for an hour and a half sobering up and get in when my parents left for work..
Reply 7
Crawled in from the pub one night and locked the door behind me (because I am always the last in, well I thought I was anyway).

Went up to the toilet to "revisit" the evening's consumption, just as I was just about to heave the doorbell rang and I was like "sh*t the bed".

So I crawled down the stairs, undid the chain, opened the door and ran straight back upstairs only just managing to "make" the toilet. Not nice.

Wicked evening though :wink:
Reply 8
I've never actually been locked out of the house without a key but I have managed to forget entirely how to operate such a complicated piece of machinery. Generally I just topple over on the lawn and sleep until I've sobered up a bit.
Reply 9
IT happened again :eek: my sister wasnt in so i was forced to make an absolute racket banging and banging on the door, :redface: i feel so bad, my mum answered and she was soo pissed and had one of her evil looks on her face like she ****ing hated me and wanted me to die, or like she smelt something really bad.

But thats unreasonable right?? its only 11:30 not 3 oclock in the morning!
Reply 10
IT happened again :eek: my sister wasnt in so i was forced to make an absolute racket banging and banging on the door, :redface: i feel so bad, my mum answered and she was soo pissed and had one of her evil looks on her face like she ****ing hated me and wanted me to die, or like she smelt something really bad.

But thats unreasonable right?? its only 11:30 not 3 oclock in the morning!

11.30?! Thats fine, Ive done it at 4am and brought back some mates that I hadnt told my mum I would be doing!
Reply 11
I got locked out a few weeks ago,took me 1.5 minutes to open the back door and I didn't have to force it. I fitted a 5 lever mortace lock to it since.
Reply 12
Yeah, me too rpotter. But we have a hidden key, so I used that to get in, except they had set the alarm so when I opened the door it started screeching and scared the hell out of my parents. Oops. At least they were too confused at that point to realize I was drunk.
Reply 13
Made the mistake of comin home from a nightclub early to go to my mates hose to pick up my things.... did not realise his parents had got back from wimbaldon and caught my mate scurryin up the drainpipes outside their room in orderto climb through a gap no bigger than a next catologe! will remember the look on his face as she threw that dock boot out the window and hit him right in the nogin lol. thank god i waint the one climbin up!

Hopefully goin to Huddersfield. dont wanna go anywhere else lol
Reply 14
Yeah, me too rpotter. But we have a hidden key, so I used that to get in, except they had set the alarm so when I opened the door it started screeching and scared the hell out of my parents. Oops. At least they were too confused at that point to realize I was drunk.

Hmmm, we used to ahve a hidden key aswell, but I lost it :p:. Now its really well hidden!

On sunday night I got back around 1, and then proceeded to throw up on my hall carpet, dont think my parents were exactly pleased....
Reply 15
so hopefully tomorrow i can proceed to explain to her how lucky she is that it wasnt 4am and that its her fault for a, not having a hidden key and b, going to sleep so damn early.. now i just hope she isnt too stubborn (which she probably will be)