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the best thing to do would be to go and get it checked out, i'd go to your GP

in the mean time, keep you foot rested, put some ice on it and keep it raised.
How do you go to your GP while keeping your foot in the air and on ice?

Sounds like it could be. Which toe? If it's one of your smaller ones it could well be.
Reply 3
With a crunch probably broken.
How do you go to your GP while keeping your foot in the air and on ice?

ah! very good point!

thing is, if it's any of your smaller toes there's not really a great deal that can be done about it.
Reply 5
Yes it is my smallest toe on my left foot. I do realise they will probably just strap it and give me pain killers if it is broken, I broke my finger last year and that's what they did then.
Would it be safe to say it's not advisable to cycle within the next half an hour then? (best call my boyfriend and tell him I've injured myself....again).
i think your metatarsal is broken, and you need to give time to heal it.
I heared somewhere that we break out little toes a few times a year, but the bone's so fragile it's practically like ligament. Just leave it, it'll heal soon enough - what do you expect the GP to do, put a caste on it?
i think your metatarsal is broken, and you need to give time to heal it.

Why the anonoymity? Anyway, toes tend to heal on their own. Just keep it rested. I fell down the stairs one time and landed on my big toe. Hurt like crazy and I ended up with a bruised line across it but it healed ok.
Reply 9
The real give-away is swelling; if it does, then you've very probably got a break...
Reply 10
I've broken my toes a couple times. Only bothered with the hospital once because all they said was to keep it up to reduce swelling.
I have never had it as bad as you describe though (didn't know it was broken for a few days the first time)
I wonder if I've broken one of my toes and it hasn't healed right..I can bend it really easily in two places..really weird.
The One and Only Lady Jennington
Yes it is my smallest toe on my left foot. I do realise they will probably just strap it and give me pain killers if it is broken, I broke my finger last year and that's what they did then.
Would it be safe to say it's not advisable to cycle within the next half an hour then? (best call my boyfriend and tell him I've injured myself....again).

Probably, and probably.
what do you expect the GP to do, put a caste on it?, if the GP is concerned enough, he or she will refer her to a fracture clinic, for a specialist opinion.
highly unlikely, but i've worked in a fracture clinic before and seen plenty of broken toes.
Reply 14
It has begun to swell, I'm going to make an app to see a doctor (I needed to anyway) even if it only gets me pain killers and advice to keep swelling down it's better than nothing. I'm certainly not going to A&E though.
I heared somewhere that we break out little toes a few times a year, but the bone's so fragile it's practically like ligament. Just leave it, it'll heal soon enough - what do you expect the GP to do, put a caste on it?

i heard that to, if it is broken i wouldnt worry abou it, it will heal, put some ice to take the swelling down and rest it
youl be fine
qwerty_st/n, if the GP is concerned enough, he or she will refer her to a fracture clinic, for a specialist opinion.
highly unlikely, but i've worked in a fracture clinic before and seen plenty of broken toes.

I can understand if it was the big toe, but this is a little piddly thing! What is the fracture clinic going to do then?
go to a herbalist, you won't wanna anger the toe's chi.
Reply 18
just take some pain killers if it hurts and thats all you can do. a gp wont do anything other than say rest it but for little toes it doesnt realy matter if you still walk on it.
Yeh man it's free so waste the tax payer's money on the NHS. Go on do what every other soft idiot does.