There's this girl that i dated not knowing that she had a bf. She went out with me for 5 months and then left me to stay with her bf due to distance. The problem is, i was used and now she wont talk to me when i need her the most yet i let her get over me by talking less and less [i didn't know that she was getting over me by doing this] yet i'm not over her and i fell in love with her. So she planned this all along and i got totally used.
Her bf does'nt know that we went out, he just knows that she liked me and because of this he was giving out threats of how he is going to hit me etc her his gf. He then phoned me and called me a ****ing prick, seeing as i kinda get pissed off quite easily i was thinking that i should tell him i went out with his gf. She is happy now whilst i'm depressed! She doesn't care about me at all and both her bf and herself were total *******s to me. Is telling him what happened a bad idea?
My ex told her bf that i'm hassling her when all i did was to see if she was ok when she had some problems [i phoned twice and apparently that is stalker material lol]. I dunno what to do, i know i would get happy by getting this revenge yet i may feel guilty because i do love her but really hate her at the moment. Even though she treated me like crap prior to this and how she just used me, i would never of even thought of telling him but seeing as all she cares about is him and how this ****er hates me so much that i'll probably end up getting jumped shall i just tell him?
This all sounds kind of immature, both of them are incredibly immature seeing as we are all 20 but i need to find a way to get her off my mind as everyday i think of how i got screwed over and how she is happy and i'm not and it's not fair.