The Student Room Group
Reply 1

And no, I don't know of any cures.
Reply 2
Sleep on your front or go out with a deaf person.
I don't think it's too much of a problem really, depends how loud you snore!

As for cures:
Reply 4
Sleeping on your front = dribble.
Sleeping on your back = snoring.
Sleeping on your side = painful shoulder.

You just can't win.

I snore when I'm drunk, and probably a bit when I'm sober, too. Good reason to sleep on your stomach, if you can learn to keep your mouth closed!
Reply 5
dont drink!! alcohol relaxes the palet which makes the sound. there is surgery you can have to trim your palet which works v well but is a bit of an extreme measure, my dad had it coz he used to have sleep apnea
Reply 6
I snore. I don't think it's a major problem!

It's a noise... and if the person you are with is unattracted to you because of it then...who the hell are they to say it! Everyone has their odd little things. Geeez.
Reply 7
Although if it CRAZY snoring.. like choking because of it, then yes get it fixed.. from the link with the solutions :tongue: