I am absolutely sick of it. Yet there is nothing else I can do..or so I think anyway.
I have had it since I was 12 years old (I am now nearly 17). I was on (forgive me for the awful spelling here) erithomycin for about a year, from when I was 13-14. Erithomycin helped this a bit, although I did have odd spots all over my face still. I then came off Erithomycin-as recommended by my doctor-as they had no effect. I then tried Oxytet.
Again, I was on this until 2 months ago.
At first, it helped my skin, but then it had little/no effect. Please note I was taking it at the required times, etcetc. I am now currently on lymecycline, which has no effect. I have also tried topical medicines too.
At certain times in the month my skin is mega greasy and literally covered and spots (the worse it has ever been), and at other times my skin is as dry as anything, but still retains the "pigmentation" of the red spots that were there a few weeks back. But the process then begins again...as it starts to get greasy. These red pigments take about 4 months to go down, so it looks as if my skin is getting worse.
The doctor now suggests dianette.
I don't want to go on this much..as I am worried about the weight gain. I am 5 foor 8, 10 1/2 stone, and a size 8/10/12. I am really happy with my body, and i don't want to put on weight..as I could be fat and spotty.
I've heard about roaccutane, but i haven't *yet* asked my doctor about it. DO people have any thoughts/feelings on roaccutane?? How BAD does your skin have to be??
Also, what do people think about dianette? Did you gain weight/did it help you etcetc.
Also, is anyone in the same situation as me?
My skin si really getting me down. I'm not an ugly person I don't think..but I constantly have to wear lots of make-up to cover over my awful skin. (I know it's bad...but it lifts my confidence!). I desperately wanted to start my new sixth form in september spotless...but that it not an option now. WHat can I do? It's really getting me down. I have tried EVERYTHING. You name it--i've tried it. Help.