The Student Room Group

In such a bad situation

Looking for a bit of help here.

My best friend and I are going out with 2 guys who live together. My bf told me 2day that my m8s bf is still going out with his ex...He only told me coz i knew something was going on and hasseled him to tell im in such a bad situation, do i tell my m8 or not?

If i tell her, she'll be so upset. Also then, her bf will know that my bf told me and be angry at him.

Complicated but i really duno what to do!!!!!

Reply 1
what do you care about more?
the fact that your best mate is beeing cheated on and being made a fool of or the fact that when to confess what you know her boyfriends mate will ne angry at him?
to be honest if you were a real friend you'd tell you mate what you know. i can understand that you dont want your b/f to get in to trouble but how can he not expect you to tell your mate something like that. its best to tell her. she needs to know plus im sure your b/fs mate will get over it.
if he really cared about your mate he wouldnt still be seeing his ex would he?
if it was the other way round, wouldnt you want your mate to tell you whats going on?
Reply 2
I think you have to tell your best friend the truth as this situation is unfair on her. Maybe you can try to pretend that you found out some other way so that your boyfriend does not get blamed.
I agree you should tell her