The Student Room Group
Reply 1
braces? it depends what the dentist believes is the best way to straighten it..go visit the dentist. i personally havent been to the dentist in 2 years and i dont want to go now because i know he will tell me off! lol i too want one of my teeth straightened but im just waiting for my brother to become a dentist, then get free treatment :biggrin:

actually you need to see the orthodontist..
Reply 2
oh yes .. that's the name - braces. I don't feel like wearing that thing. Has it been proven to be working ?
Reply 3
oh yes .. that's the name - braces. I don't feel like wearing that thing. Has it been proven to be working ?

I don't know much about the treatments, but you might not need to wear braces since its only one tooth and i think there are other ways of straightening them. i think my brother was once going on about making a crown or something that would be placed on your tooth to make your teeth look straight, but this really depends on what your teeth look like..each person has a differently shaped set of teeth ..

so make an appointment with the orthodontist :smile: they're usually nice people! i used to have a narrow gap in my front teeth and wanted to get rid of it but my dentist said no i should keep it because that way im more unique :biggrin: having said that, the gap is narrowing still and almost gone!
Essentially, you should wear braces if the bad alignment of your tooth/teeth is making it/them hard to clean. Otherwise, it doesn't matter, and they're optional.

Beware that many orthodontists will fit a brace if they can find any problem at all. The more braces they fit, the more money they get... in my experience, anyway. :frown:
Reply 5
i see ... thanks
Reply 6
Braces hurt!
Reply 7
really ??