The Student Room Group

What would you think in this situation?

thank you to anyone reading this...i'll start at the beginning..

not last christmas but the one before i went tomy works christmas party at a hotel.i booked a room so i didnt have to bother getting a taxi home...the person i went with at the time i was kinda seeing,,,we'd been out a few times often went out for lunch at work that kina thing..anhe was gonna stop with me in my room ..anyway my memory of the party is really patchy and all over the place and is blacked out in most parts i remember the begining of the night but not alot at the end...when i woke inthe morning he was just in his boxers and i was TOTALY naked (i never sleep naked) i looked over at him n he was lookin at something on his phone n smiling...after we got up he had a shower n left pretty sharpish n was really off with me..after thathe stopped texting me, emailing me, stopped popping to my desk to say hello...after a month or so he text me saying something like "i didnt mean to lead u on im sorry but u want something i cant give u right now...still wanna be mates tho" however he was the one tht did all the chasing, he used to txt me at 3 in morn wishing i was with him.....but back to that night,,,i still to this day dont no what happend...what would another person in this situation think?? i know it was a long time ago...but it bugs me all the time...please some1help :frown:

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Reply 1
"he was lookin at something on his phone n smiling"

Ever tried asking him?
Reply 3
i did ask him...he always avoided it....just told me i was out of it...i mean i think i no myself i was out of it...but im not a sl*g and i dont sleep around im not that kinda person...and i can handel my drink....its just messes with my mind :frown:
Reply 4
"he was lookin at something on his phone n smiling"


its not funny,,,he could have been some sick perv that recorded me :frown:
Reply 5
It's very funny, and at the end of the day, it's your fault.
Reply 6
It's very funny, and at the end of the day, it's your fault.

how is it my fault, i didnt dress like a hussy and i didnt in anyway indicate i would sleep with him for god sake. im 21 and i dont sleep around and i have never given anyone the indication that i do , i just said he could crash in my room so he didnt have to get a taxi back,i thought i was being helpful! so how does that make it my fault, he was some1 i was seeing? thats just like saying if a girl wears a short skirt she deserves to get sexually asulted,or if a boy gets jumped its his fault for being small...
Reply 7
It's very funny, and at the end of the day, it's your fault.

**** off! How is it her fault? Anything could have happened - try reading between the lines mate... So i suppose any girl who this happens to deserves it - regardless of the fact she may have been drugged? Its a girls fault if she trust some one enough not to take advantage of her, personally I think Its a fault - a SICK fault in the person who decides to take advantage...
Reply 8
how is it my fault

You're the one who got drunk you silly mare.
Reply 9
You're the one who got drunk you silly mare.

and what part of her post exactly says she was drunk? (if it does then my bad), the symptoms she describes aren't singly signifiers of intoxication due to alcohol, it could be due to ketamine, rohypnol anything along those lines...
Reply 10
how is it my fault, i didnt dress like a hussy and i didnt in anyway indicate i would sleep with him for god sake. im 21 and i dont sleep around and i have never given anyone the indication that i do , i just said he could crash in my room so he didnt have to get a taxi back,i thought i was being helpful! so how does that make it my fault, he was some1 i was seeing? thats just like saying if a girl wears a short skirt she deserves to get sexually asulted,or if a boy gets jumped its his fault for being small...

But you are in control of how much you drink. Im been compltely paraletic before and lucily the most stupid thing I done was just chat bull and be sick. However it would be my fault for letting myself get in that state if anything serious happened unless the drink got spiked. However it takes a really desperate person to take advantage of a person who is obviously not in control of their own actions. What ive learned is to drink in moderation because at the end of the day its not worth the risks of not being in control espcially if you cannot remeber what has happened.
Reply 11
i had a few glasses of wine, but i can drink more than that, this is what im trying to get at, isnt whos fault it is....but what would some1in m situation think. the fact that he hasnt spoken to me since...would any1 else in my situation feel take advantage of...or could it all be innocent..all i wanted was some1 elses opinion
the solution - don't get drunk, and you won't be taken advantage of.
Reply 13
But you are in control of how much you drink. .

but thats the thing i only had a few glasses of wine, even people who sat at my table said i didnt drink tht much, and im not a lightweight, ive drank a hell of a lot more than that and been fine and a few days later things start coming back to me about what happend but with this NOTHING- what would u think if u woke in my situation
Reply 14
Read my previous post. The thread title says so numb nuts.

i put the word drunk with question marks not as a question but questioning if i was drunk...sorry if that confussed u but i didnt drink enough to make my self paraletic
Change the thread title. If you're asking if you've been drugged, then that's completely different to what the thread title implies.

Oh, and nobody here can tell you whether you were drugged or not. This thread is pointless.
if she was actually drugged then how the hell is it her fault? so she bought a drink,thereby tempting someone to drug it, and therefore she's to blame? whatever
The thread title is misleading
Reply 18
i dont no how to change it
The thread title is misleading

why stay anonymous for that? its just confusing