The Student Room Group

how to get my ex out of my head

ive bin with my current boyfriend for 8months now
and me and my ex eneded on very bad terms he said he never loved me, but wanted to be my friend. he was very messed up and still is. he always blamed me for everything and made me feel like crap.
Then one day he text me (i hadnt spoken to him in weeks) asking if i still had feels 4 him i said no and he said id bin leading him on. we hadnt spoken 4 ages. so i told him to piss off and that i didnt want him in my life any more. But every now and then i think how is he. i want him to b happy. i hate him coz he made me feel like crap all the time and love my current bf so much, he like saved me from the life of hell.
is this coz im a nice person?
i mean if i never saw him again i wldnt care and if i did see him i think i wld pretend i didnt no him.
but i no how much of a state he was in and i hate to think hes like killed him self or something.
but i dont wanna have him in my head coz well hes my past.
Do u ever 4 get ur past though?
i suggest you check up on him once, that'll get him out of your head... stop you worrying anyway!
though don't check up on him letting him know!
i don't think you ever do forget things like that!
Reply 2
Dont use text speak.

Delete his number, then you cant contact him.
Reply 3
i have havent spoken to him in ages but cant help but wonder. o well he kinda deserves everything he gets he is a horrible person.
yeah just get rid of his number and if he continues to text, get him done for harrassement, you don't need that kind of guy
Reply 5
yeah thats true lol
i dont need him my new bf makes me so happy and its like the best ever. i mean i was with my ex 4 like 2 months and for 1 of those i was getting really friendly with my new bloke so it wasnt like we were really serious (aghh i cant spell sorry)