The Student Room Group

What are the people like at SOAS? Geeks? Normal?

im starting a law degree in september and im just wondering wot the people are like there. i looked at the pictures of people that are going in the thread below, and i hope u dont take this the wrong way.....but they look really geeky and not my kind of people at all.

So what can i expect? i use to hanging out with good looking popluar people. am i in for a shock?

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your doing law as well. with AAA requirements im sure you will meet very arrogant people. pretentious people more suited to places such as UCL.
Reply 2
im not arrogant, just really confident. and i dont have much in common with geeks, or ugly people. and from what i have seen from when i looked around over uni's, most of the law students are nerdy and ugly.

is it the same at soas?
well applying for subjects with AAA requirements what do you expect, i mean since when did brains and beauty go together. confidence fine, but most people do mistake this for arrogance bare that in mind.

hopefully i'll be goin soas in sept to do economics. but from the taster courses the uni does not look like what you want from a university i.e lack of good lookin people, what ever you define this to be. i though soas had quite a mixture of different people, not exactly similar to people i hang out with normally, but hey university is completely different to school, colllege etc.

at soas i wouldn't say there will be nerds but on a law course wouldn't you expect their to be people who are more focued on academia than on appearance.
Reply 4
hmmm maybe ur right. i supose most people that are clever are geeky and ugly. its just a shame. cos i dont really care that much about my course. i want to go out and get pissed most nights. so it looks to be unlikely that others will be up for that as well. cos lets face it, geeks are boring.

and the plans for freshers week makes me cry! lol, its terrible. its all boring. y the hell would i want go to some stupid quiz night or film night. lol
out of curiousity post your picture
Reply 6
haha, im not going to post my picture. this thread will offend quite a few people me thinks. so im dont really plan to start uni and be recognised by people that will be pissed off at me. if it comes down to it and im surrounded by geeks, i will just have to make the best of a bad situation. im not stupid enough to tell them that they are boring and ugly. but i can assure very good looking.
kool. well if your going soas, september soon come.
stupid question really... Obviously they are going to be of a similar intellect to yourself. i do not think for one second you would consider yourself a geek, going by your username.

I ask the question as to why you think they would be geeks or 'normal' (which does'nt exist) what the hell is a normal person.

so seriously will just be like choosing (insert number) of people from the general population...i am sure it will be a mix of people.
hurricane herd. i applaud you.
Reply 10
i hope u dont take this the wrong way.....

...but you sound like a prat
Reply 11
The original poster is clearly a "troll". I don't think it demands any sort of a serious response:P
lol im a troll? lol, its people like you that im talking about. god ur so

ur a joke, seriously. so geeky. no offense
Reply 13
A troll simply means someone who signed up to the forums to make a stupid thread. That was why I put it in inverted commas. It wasn't meant as an insult.

You came and posted that everyone who goes to SOAS is ugly and unpopular. As you'll be, supposedly, starting in September this strikes me as very strange.

And, err, no offense taken. You seem far too interesting to be muddling with the likes of us.
Reply 15
lol, what did I tell you guys about some of the law peoples in my other thread.
For nights out and getting pissed soas really is not the place although you will find like minded individuals who enjoy it, and among fellow law students your likely to find a few.
I do have to say you're abit of a joker !! :smile:
are you in intercollegiate hall or Dinwiddy?
A troll simply means someone who signed up to the forums to make a stupid thread. That was why I put it in inverted commas. It wasn't meant as an insult.

You came and posted that everyone who goes to SOAS is ugly and unpopular. As you'll be, supposedly, starting in September this strikes me as very strange.

And, err, no offense taken. You seem far too interesting to be muddling with the likes of us.

oh well i decided to go to SOAS because its really good for law. And despite the fact that it looks like i will be surrounded by wierdos, im looking forward to it. infact i like the idea of trying to speak to such losers. lol, i usually ignore them. perhaps it i will make me more grounded as an individual
Reply 18
So 'geeks' and 'normals' are the only type of people in existence?
Reply 19
lol u are a proper joker, the law people tend not to hang in the SU, it's not a great SU really. You'll have a gd time I reckon.