The Student Room Group
Reply 1
tut tut...
Reply 3
and so long as you know having the hair cut of paul walker won't make you look like paul walker..

just double checking, y'know :smile:
Isn't that just about the most basic cut out? Short back and sides?
and so long as you know having the hair cut of paul walker won't make you look like paul walker..

just double checking, y'know :smile:

No way. Im better looking than paul walker . I just like his haircut:wink:
Reply 6
Just ask for a gimp cut.
Just ask for a gimp cut.

haha...ha......haha......... funny guy.
Reply 8
haha...ha......haha......... funny guy.

whyyy do u want his hair!? it's like an early Zack Morris cut (which suited him back in the day)
Reply 10
i still reckon this dude wants his hair like that cause he thinks the ladies will believe he's paul walker...
i still reckon this dude wants his hair like that cause he thinks the ladies will believe he's paul walker...

the guy who posted here wanting a haircut like adam brody didnt get this much s*it. Do you honestly reckon I care what you think?
the guy who posted here wanting a haircut like adam brody didnt get this much s*it. Do you honestly reckon I care what you think?


(mods-you can move this to F+B if you need to, I just want to use the anon function)