The Student Room Group

PLZ HELP Moberly Hall, my worst nightmare

HELP: Moberly Hall, my worst nightmare

i just got an email from the accomdation office, saying that ive been offered a place at Moberly Hall. A hall without a kitchen and all those stairs. am so pissed.

is any1 going to moberly hall?
has any1 actually lived in moberly hall? if so what is it like?
what kind of students live there?
are they mainly mature and international students?

plz help...feelin a little lost and pissed:eek:
Reply 1
Damn, I really wanted to get into Moberly hall but they told me to sod off cause I'm 2nd year - afaik it's the cheapest (since it's semi-catered).

I wouldn't worry too much as it's a primo location (central to the UoM campus) and next to the student union - plus you can get the food from the refectory cheap.

I wonder though, did you actually choose it in your top 3 or did they just assign it out of the blue? Seems pretty awful that they couldn't accommodate you in any of your 3 choices and would just stick you in a semi-catered hall. I thought Hardy Farm was the place they always stuck people if they couldn't fit them in anywhere else. :P

Then again, I decided UoM's accommodation policy was bunk anyway - not allowing second years to live in University halls (although we did have 2nd & 3rd years at Hardy farm last year).

If you really don't want to be at Moberly though, I suggest you put in a moving petition and choose 3 others halls you'd want to go to. Coming up with a reason should be pretty easy (to avoid the £50 charge if you don't have a reason), something like the stairs & no kitchen or what not. :tongue:
Reply 2
Moberly Hall is brilliant! I don't know why you're so pissed. I'm an ex-resident of Moberly and spent five happy years there. PM me if you have any questions.
Reply 3

You'll be able to apply to move halls in October - probably best to stick it out until then :smile: You never know, you might like it. At least you won't have far to walk!