The Student Room Group
Reply 1
yes indeed.. the only e.g. i can think of right now though is & it seems that not all colleges have them..some have huge balls once every 3 years.

apparently the other place to be on May Day morning is Magdalen Bridge to listen to the choir - you'll probably find lots of info about that on the website.

Reply 2
Oxford do have them, but a lot of the colleges only have them every few years or so - I was talking to a friend from Magdelen and even they only have a ball every three years. I thinl they're not such a big deal at Oxford as they are at Cambridge.
Reply 3
Oxford do have them, but a lot of the colleges only have them every few years or so - I was talking to a friend from Magdelen and even they only have a ball every three years. I thinl they're not such a big deal at Oxford as they are at Cambridge.

Oxford tends to have its big balls at the end of the Summer term, so they're more summer balls than May balls although there are a couple around May-day. The reason that Magdalen only has a ball once every 3 years is because it's so huge it takes about 2 years to organise. There's 3 colleges (St. John's, Worcester and Magdalen) that take it in turns to do the 'big' ball - not sure who it is this year. A double dining ticket goes for about £250-300. They're very impressive though. The smaller ones are a lot cheaper....
Reply 4
They are getting awfully exciting about these things on the forum next door; was just wondering whether Oxford has a similar thing.

The only College that has a may ball every year is Linacre.

The others tend to have Comm Balls in late June. The big Colls have one a year, the smaller about 1 every three years. usually has upto date ball info:

Here it is:

Sat 24th April

Balls Listings

Exeter MEDIEVAL Ball / A festive present from the past: Knights, Jesters, Hogroast, Stocks... / Exeter Ball Committee 2004 / 730pm-3am/ £38 all food incl. / Email: [email protected] / Web: / Exeter College. Turl St; Tel: 279600

Fri 30th April

Balls Listings

MAYHEM 2004: INFERNO / Party until May Morning at Inferno / Corpus Christi College / 8pm to 4am / Tickets £50 / Email: [email protected] / Web: / Corpus Christi College. Merton St; Tel: 276700

WONDERLAND BALL / Fantastical tripped-out May Day Eve party entirely in aid of OXFAM! / St Hugh\'s and St Anne\'s / 9pm to 5am, Tickets = £75 / Email: [email protected] / Web: / St Hugh's College. St Margaret's Rd

Cruise 2004- The Linacre Ball / You are invited to a luxurious European Cruise........ / £50 / Email: [email protected] / Web: / Linacre College. South Parks Rd

Sun 2nd May

Balls Listings

MAY DAY BALL / Dance the night away in the exclusive setting of the Randolph Ballroom / In aid of Heartbeat / £28 inc buffet & welcome drink / Email: [email protected] / Web: / Randolph Hotel. Beaumont St

Sat 8th May

Balls Listings

Arts Festival Finale / A Midsummer Night's Dream-Bands,DJs,Magicians,Punting,Free Champagne! / 8pm-2am, tickets £10 / Email: [email protected] / St.Hilda's College

The Bohemian Ball / - Bohemia - Extravagance - Paris - Moulin Rouge - Lavish - / St Edmund Hall / 8-2 / £38 inc food & 6 drinks / Email: [email protected] / St. Edmund Hall. Queen's Lane

Sat 19th June

Balls Listings

LMH 125 Anniversary Ball / top acts/ferris wheel/fireworks/hydrotechnics display/food/drink / Lady Margaret Hall / See / Email: [email protected] / Web: / Lady Margaret Hall. Norham Gardens; Tel: 274300
Oxford tends to have its big balls at the end of the Summer term, so they're more summer balls than May balls although there are a couple around May-day. The reason that Magdalen only has a ball once every 3 years is because it's so huge it takes about 2 years to organise. There's 3 colleges (St. John's, Worcester and Magdalen) that take it in turns to do the 'big' ball - not sure who it is this year. A double dining ticket goes for about £250-300. They're very impressive though. The smaller ones are a lot cheaper....

eherm...chch are in the big group too now... decided to change to doing a commem ball every 3 yrs.. which will probably be the biggest going.
Reply 6
house badger
eherm...chch are in the big group too now... decided to change to doing a commem ball every 3 yrs.. which will probably be the biggest going.

Sounds great!
Can students attend balls at colleges other than their own?
Just wondering... :biggrin:
Reply 7

The others tend to have Comm Balls in late June.

but exams in 9th week..sob. & somewhat pricey tickets.. i suppose i should go to one though - i have the dress & accessories already, damnit!!! :tongue:

quite a few socities have christmas balls though, so i did get to do that at least.

& yep, they advertise the balls throughout the uni (very attractive posters all trying to entice you..yes, the marketing is sucking me in!) though i think most state you must be a 'member of oxford university or bona fide guest'?
Reply 8
This year the big one is the LMH 125-year one with various celebrity appearances (apparently Nigella Lawson?). There's also a joint Hugh's/Anne's ball and the obligatory Union balls as well. And probably others which I can't think of.
Reply 9
Oxford tends to have its big balls at the end of the Summer term, so they're more summer balls than May balls although there are a couple around May-day.

Cambridge May Balls are held at the end of the Summer term too. They take place in May Week, which is the first fortnight in June.
Reply 10
im pretty sure Jesus have one..i think they have a joint one with...Worcester...not 100% sure though!
Reply 11
im pretty sure Jesus have one..i think they have a joint one with...Worcester...not 100% sure though!

Not with Worcester they don't.
Reply 12
Not with Worcester they don't.

Isn't it with Somerville - in their monster quad?
Reply 13
Isn't it with Somerville - in their monster quad?

yep it is :smile:
Reply 14 mistake..yep it's Somerville: (for more details!)