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hmmm, whats the name?
well if he jhust likes the name thats cool, but surely he could be a bit more sensitive to how both you, and she might feel about it.
Reply 3
lol just say "yes its a nice name but it has history for you and i dont want to bring that history into our future" how about as a middle name or sumthin
Reply 4
How is it User #0, not #1? :confused:

Anyway, it's a bit insensitive of him tbh, I certainly wouldn't want to name my future child after an ex - it's too much of a reminder.
i like the name nerys... :smile:

it's a bit odd that he'd want toname your baby after his ex...but if it's a nice name, do you like it?
The name's Hannah. It's quite a common name I guess. I don't mind it. I said I'll leave it to him...
Reply 7
i could never name my baby after a boyfriends ex! thats just weird
Reply 8
I think its a nice name anyway.
just say no if you dont like it
Reply 10
It's not naming it AFTER he if he just likes the name. And as you say it's a very common name.
high priestess fnord
just say no if you dont like it

hannah is a nice name, but the high priestess is correct, if you don't like the idea, say no!
Reply 12
remember children are for life, not for christmas, you would have to live with her name for the rest of your entire life, if you have a problem i strongly suggest you talk to him about it.
Reply 13
^ Absolutely. It also depends on how serious the ex was to him, and you are obviously bothered by it. I don't blame you- I don't think I would be too happy.
Reply 14
In six months time, you and your boyfriend are out shopping, pushing the baby in her pram.

You bump into his ex...Hannah. She says "aaah, isn't she cute, what did you call her?"

Your bf: 'Hannah'

Highly uncomfortable silence follows. I know I wouldn't want to be in that situation...
Reply 15

Highly uncomfortable silence follows. I know I wouldn't want to be in that situation...

Gah, yeah, just don't do it.
You're having a baby together so decide on a name together.
How about Tifa? Aeris? Rosa? Erica? Amelie? Julie? Juliet?

My mate said Jade's a fit but I disagree. What about...Rei, or something different.

Hannah is so common! My kids (read: sons) are going to have unique names.

I wouldn't name anything after my ex's.
Reply 18
Wonderboy Blue
What about...Rei, or something different.

Haha I'd say it's a bit pretensious to give your child a foreign name when it will probably be clear they have no japanese ancestry. Assuming your wife isn't japanese anyway.

I doubt many girls would let you get away with naming your kids after video game characters but I wouldn't blame you for trying:biggrin:

Personally for a girl I like the name Jessica, but maybe that's because I used to have a huge crush on a girl by that name. But my hypothetical wife probably wouldn't know that:wink:
I just thought of names for my sons!

Solid Snake

Hehe. I wouldn't name mine Rei or anything but Tifa sounds nice...I wonder where they come up with such cool names though. No main character is ever called Paul or Joe are they?

Anyway...Hannah is easily made into Spannah...think of the mental effect that would have. Try something like Lucy.