The Student Room Group

water - how do you know when enough's enough

Normally between 9-5 i'll get thru about 2-3 pints and that's ample, but when its hot it aint. Now at home l just drink and drink til i feel ok, but when you're on holiday, going out every day and, -due to having a loud nightclub next to where ur parents r sleeping, sharing a room with your parents you wanna limit your pisses. I just can't get the hang of how much to drink, had about a litre in the last hour and still feeling thirsty. Any suggestions?

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Reply 1
It's all up to your kidneys. They control the amount of water absorbed and water that is removed to the urethra. Do you sweat a lot? Do you exercise?
Being excessively thirsty can be a symptom of diabetes can't it?
Reply 3
Your body can only handle a litre an hour anyway.. what I used to do (before I knew how much you could take) was get a 2 litre bottle and just drink it in about 25 mins !! I never understood why I felt so light headed and I could never sleep if I did it in the evening.. apparently it was the early signs of water poisoning :eek:

Anyway.. I would probably advise you to just drink 500ml an hour if you dont want to go to the toilet much.
Reply 4
I drink when I feel thirsty.
When I go skating for like 2 hours, I usually drink about 5 litres of water, and another litre on the way home.
But it's really hot in France now and I sweat like a bitch in this heat, so I doubt it will kill me.
Sometimes I feel sickly if I drink much more, so I avoid that.

Perhaps drink smaller sips instead. Your thirst will still be quenched but you won't consume so much.
Reply 5
Eccentric Man
Normally between 9-5 i'll get thru about 2-3 pints and that's ample, but when its hot it aint. Now at home l just drink and drink til i feel ok, but when you're on holiday, going out every day and, -due to having a loud nightclub next to where ur parents r sleeping, sharing a room with your parents you wanna limit your pisses. I just can't get the hang of how much to drink, had about a litre in the last hour and still feeling thirsty. Any suggestions?

I know how you feel. Since about a few months ago I've been drinking water constantly. I have about 5 refilled bottles in the fridge at a time, and always have one next to me. I think I drink about a litre an hour and thats just about right for me.
Reply 6
drinking more doesnt always mean youll go toilet more.
Reply 7
drinking more doesnt always mean youll go toilet more.

Well it depends where you want to do your business.
Reply 8
Well it depends where you want to do your business.

you know what i ment :smile:
Reply 9
you know what i ment :smile:

Well where's your reasoning behind it?
Reply 10
Well where's your reasoning behind it?

because if you drink less the concentration of urea in the urine is much higher and irretates the walls of the bladder making the body belive it realy needs to go. yay for a-level biology :biggrin: i learnt something
Reply 11
So what happens if I drink a litre every hour, where does it go?
Reply 12
round your body and whatevers not needed to your bladder
Rubbish. You piss it straight back out (as very clear pee). I am drinking sooo much water nowadays too.
Reply 14
So theres a surplus, which goes to the bladder, then down a toilet.
Reply 15
yes eventualy but if you dont drink enough to fill the bladder than you wouldnt need to go as much as if you didnt drink at all
Your body can only handle a litre an hour anyway.. what I used to do (before I knew how much you could take) was get a 2 litre bottle and just drink it in about 25 mins !! I never understood why I felt so light headed and I could never sleep if I did it in the evening.. apparently it was the early signs of water poisoning :eek:

Anyway.. I would probably advise you to just drink 500ml an hour if you dont want to go to the toilet much.

:eek: water poisoning? :rofl:

i think enough is when you being to use the toilet to a rediculous amount, like when i purposely drink alot.... say detoxing, i pee almost every hour on the hour...that's a sign to me to drink less.
Reply 17
Water poisoning is just a lay term for water intoxication, or hyperhydration.

Not sure on the exact details but if you take in too much water too quickly before it can be removed (via urine or sweat) then there's a dangerous imbalance of compounds such as NaCl. Blood plasma becomes diluted and water moves into cells causing them to swell up and potentially rupture. I think hyperhydration is when this happens in cells of the Cental Nervous System and obviously can be quite dangerous.
Reply 18
Best thing is to drink when you're thirsty and not worry too much about it. Water will be better than soft drinks ( especially those that containe caffeine ) as the body rejects a lot of substances it has in excess through the urin ( Including acid and caffeine, both of which you find in many soft drinks ).
Water poisoning is just a lay term for water intoxication, or hyperhydration.

Not sure on the exact details but if you take in too much water too quickly before it can be removed (via urine or sweat) then there's a dangerous imbalance of compounds such as NaCl. Blood plasma becomes diluted and water moves into cells causing them to swell up and potentially rupture. I think hyperhydration is when this happens in cells of the Cental Nervous System and obviously can be quite dangerous.

It takes 8l + in a short period of time for this to happen, though. Its a very nasty death, though. You drown in your own body, quite simply!

Don't be afraid though, waters good for you. :smile: