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Very worried - testicular cancer

Been to the doctors before, about 3 months ago for a check when I thought I found a lump when going through some extraordinary groin pain.. but he said in the end that it wasnt cancer for definite and ruled out a hernia and other such serious things, claiming I had strained something.

3 months down the line now I have a shower and am drying off when I sit down and notice that on inspection there is a lump on the left testicle. HOWEVER, having now educated myself as to what the testis really look like, it does feel like it is an oval type shape, though quite large, about the size of a couple of peas - and maybe the doctor did feel this same lump and it is the epidymis?? I never knew before I suspected cancer that u were supposed to have the epidymis and that it was a large bulge on the testicle, is this what I am feeling??

It's just I tried to find a similar lump on the other testicle, and I couldn't. I am very worried that the doctor might have missed this and now it could be too late for me, having been possibly about 5 months since this all began.

Please help with advice, I need my mind put to rest!
Reply 1
Not alot to advise if you have been cheked and done your own research. But def go for another check ASAP. does your family have a history of the disease?
Go to the doctors again!

i had a lump this year, and was sent for an ultrasound scan, and thankfully it was just a harmless lump..

im surprised they didnt send you for an ultrasound surely that would have cleared everything up for definate.

but dont get too worried right at the moment, the vast majority of the time they are just harmless lumps, but it would be best to get it checked out for good. And as i said, im amazed he/she didnt refer you to a hospital for a scan really
Quickly, to the batmobile/GP surgery...
Reply 4
Chances are it is the epididymis. It's quite an obvious and strangely shaped protrusion covering a good portion of the rear of the testicle: see here.
You should be able to feel it on the other testicle too. If you are still worried or feel an inconsistency then go to the doctor. I wouldn't worry though too much if you find anything. Even if there is an actual lump that resembles a cancer there's then only a 1 in 10 chance it is. And if you had to get a cancer this'd be the best one to get. 98% survival rating. Also if you have no family history of this type of cancer then you've even less to worry about.

When checking I'd advise to do it in a warm shower as the scrotum is relaxed. If you do go to a doctor and they are at all concerned (even in the slightest) then they'll send you for an ultrasound, a fairly inoffensive process. Also if you are going to a doctor go to a different one, for your own peace of mind more than anything.
Reply 5
I dont see why he wouldnt send me for an ultrasound last time. This is the same lump I felt then, im certain nothings changed... Just my left hip area seems to get painful after playing all the sports I do too heavily, and I start to get paranoid again. I can't keep going to the doctors surely.

Just this time I've started to decide also that the back pain I get from all the sports I do (which ive been incurring for years now) is my lymph nodes getting all cancerous..

I feel stupid, but I just cant find this soft american football shaped lump on the other testicle..
Reply 6
ask to see a different doc so u will get a different opinion.
ask to see a different doc so u will get a different opinion.

i agree, my doctor said "im sure it isnt cancer, as its not on the actual testicle, its only attached to the epidermis, but ill send you for a scan to make 100% sure"

dont see why all doctors shouldent do this, the scan only took 5mins of NHS time..and left me feeling a lot better when it was confirmed it was just nothing.

id go and demand a scan if its worrying you
Reply 8
I've been to the doctor with pain and a lump before, not the most comfortabl of experiences I admit but at least he figured out the cause of the pain I was in. Apparently my epidmys was infected and had swollen up, ended up on anti-biotics for a couple of weeks which cleared it up.

As the others have said, if you aren't happy with what the Doctor has said or what he's prescribed you are entitled to a second opinion.
Well there are very few things that are more uncomfortable than having your balls felt by an old doctor (speaking from experience here), but having testicular cancer is one of them, so go for another check.
Go to the doctors. 99.9999999999999% certain your doctor hasn't missed it though.
Just some guy
Well there are very few things that are more uncomfortable than having your balls felt by an old doctor (speaking from experience here), but having testicular cancer is one of them, so go for another check.

I think prostate checks are a little worse tbh :smile:

Women have it worse off though. Cervical cancer checks every year by male doctors.
If you're unsure then is always best , to go see the doctor. There is no harm in going , its always better save than being sorry.
Go to the doctor, a different one if possible as a second opinion will put your mind more at rest. As everyone says, what's worse, being felt up by an old man (you could try to find a good looking female doctor if it's any better...:p: ), or getting advanced cancer and then dying?
the doctor doesnt give a ****, dude. INSIST that you are referred to the hospital for a scan or some other kind of "conclusive" test. Seriously refuse to leave his office until he agrees to the referal. AFAIK its financially disadvantageous for a GP to do that, so they try to avoid it. Or just go to a hospital and ask there.
Reply 15
Firslty, being gay it's little consolation if the 'feeler' happens to be an attractive woman! But either way I don't even mind that too much, since I've already been checked in that way once before.

I am just very angry that this might have been overlooked and that he didn't automatically do a bloodtest to look for tumor markers. It should be automatic for at least an ultrasound!

The pain is weird, its kinda in my hip and goes all the way down my leg and into my lower back, still no idea what the hells going on. Ill get a doctors appointment early next week.