The Student Room Group
Reply 1
well~do u have the habbit of going around bear-footed.if u do, that may be the reason.
Reply 2
Well, usually, but what causes it? :confused: Is it harmful lol, and can they be "removed"?
Reply 3
Yeah, I used to have them. They are like a sort of fungus or something that you can catch at public pools and areas like that. Just go to the doctors, I had to have some sort of crazy treatment where they freeze the area a couple of times a week and it eventually falls off. I was quite young when I had them, but I think they looked like that.
Reply 4
Or go to see your GP and if they dont know ask to be referred to someone who does. It looks pretty much like a fungal infection to me (although the photos arent brilliant), which you can catch walking around barefoot.

Definitely get it checked out tho, because if it is contagious by sharing the same shower etc as your family you could give it to them and then everyone would have sore feet!
Reply 5
Looks a bit like athlete's foot.
I have a couple of ... "small bumps", no make that a number of them, at the sole of my right foot. They bump up and there's dry white skin on top of these bumps. It pains me sometimes when I walk. They look something like this:-

So what is wrong with my foot? :eek:
Just looks like a callus. I reccommend getting 'right in aboot it' with a pumice stone.