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the fat guy :argh: :hahaha: :rofl: :hubba:
Reply 2
Is it only me who watches this? Or does anyone else find the sight of chavs getting beasted and given army discipline hilarious?

i agree fully with that,and the bits where they cry are great too:smile:
did you see the one where they had to do the pubic lice inspection, oh and when they had to inspect each others undies for skid marks!! gold
Reply 4
I've not managed to see loads of this series, but of what I've seen - I love it!:biggrin:
Reply 5
The last series wasnt very good without Corporal Nayokas (or however you spell it), but now he is back its brilliant. Loved the exercise in trust - making them "jump" a few inches when they thought it was around 12 foot, then watching their reactions :biggrin:

The provost sargeant must love his job - I would if I did that!

"Sarge???? I'm not a "Sarge"!!!! There are 3 kinds of "sarge" here - a mass-sarge, a saus-sarge and if you call me "sarge" again, this will be shoved up your pass-sarge!" - Sgt Rae

"Its mind over matter - we dont mind, you dont matter!" - Cpl Murray :biggrin:
This really is a good show. I remember a couple of episodes they woke everyone up and made them do exercise in the morning. When they lined up one of them had pissed himself AND had a stiffy ( they were only wearing their underwear)
Is it only me who watches this? Or does anyone else find the sight of chavs getting beasted and given army discipline hilarious?

Personally I think this is one of the best programmes on television; its completely hilarious, mildly educational, and very entertaining.

So, discuss...

"Look lively, you Lying, Thieving, SCUM!"

It's brill... I love the first bits when they get their hair shaven off and drop things on their way to the barracks... and the Corporals are aces and bless them, they have a soft side too...
Reply 8
Such a good Tv show :smile:

It is funny when the 'hard' recruits start to cry etc etc etc. I love that programme :biggrin:

"Pain is temporary, pride is forever" lol.
the fat guy :rofl:
Reply 10
I've watched every seiries religiously.

I absolutley love Corporal Murray
:rofl: the fat guy :rofl:
the Provost Sergeant it great,some of the stuff he says is hilarious but i wouldnt think that if he said it to me,lol
Its funny, but not extreme enough!
the fat guy :rofl:
Reply 15
The final face-off with the buckets was brilliant - Provost yelling at them to put the buckets down while the Corporals were yelling to stay still and ignore him :biggrin:
the fat guy :rofl:

and the buckets on the head :rofl:
Reply 17
Whats so funny about the fat guy? That he has the guts to go on there and at least give it a try. Doing para training when hes afraid of heights?

The buckets on the heads for an alarm clock was funny like :biggrin:
the fat guy :rofl:

Trench Foot :rofl:
was anyone else really annoyed that Bad Lads Army wasnt on yesterday?why cant ITV shove the football on ITV2 or something....stupid ITV!!