The Student Room Group



Anyone here on TSR with a stammer or stutter, or know someone who stammers?

How has your stammer affected your life? What have you done to surmount it?

Incidentally, I've got a stammer - I find it sometimes that I can maintain complete fluency of speech but other times I have 'blocks', in which I can't phonate. It's pretty irregular, I must say.

To those of you who don't know what stammering is, check out this link. It's pretty good.

Your input would be most appreciated.

Thanks :smile:
Reply 1
i have a stammer. its affected my life quite a bit, for example, if i go into a cafe i will order something that i know i can say rather than what i actually want. And getting a job can be a bit tricky cos first impressions are everything and at the interview if you dont impress u aint gonna get the job. Making friends can be a challenge. They will either laugh at you or understand that you cannot help it.
what have i done about it? ive had some therapy but its not helped a great deal. currently on a waiting list to attend the michael palin centre.
Reply 2
Well, I think I have stammer, or developing one. In the past few months I have found I will often say the start of a word 3 or 4 times. It's frustrating sometimes as I will go red and then my speech just gets worse lol. Just gotta make the best of it. As far as impediments go, yes it is embarrassing, but it could be a lot lot worse, so for that I am grateful. :smile:
I know someone with a stutter and it hasn't affected how I view him at all. He's fine with it and so am I. In fact I know plenty of people with speech impediments, and it doesn't change how I view them at all - you get used to it and hear past it anyway.
Reply 4
It happens a little bit to me i repeat words at the start of sentances but this happens very rarely.

A friend in my year at school has it bad, he stutters and sometimes he just completely blanks and you can see him knowing what he wants to say but he just cant seem to get it out, people have grown used to it but some teachers are quite mean towards it...

He goes to speech lessons that help him in school.
Me... hard consonants trip me up :smile:
yep, I have a "mild stutter" (as my doctor puts it), it is a bit difficult/embarrassing at times but after a while you and the people around you grow over it. I got an amzing job offer after college, was offered places at all Oxbridge and LSE (Oxford even had a telephonic interview, I just e-mailed the professor in advance explaining my situation and he was all cool with it). So I say it's no big deal and, unless it's not very serious, should not affect your life in any way.

Cheer up mate, it's all good! :smile:
Reply 7
I have a 'mild stutter' too, although it doesn't bloody feel like it when it happens. I really struggle with alliteration (getting me to say 'Peter Piper picked a pickled pepper' is apparently hilarious :mad:), and I also can't say certain words - it was a certain type of word, but I'll be damned if I can remember the name of it :biggrin:

I honestly haven't had much of a problem with it, as my mum had a similar problem and so taught me how to deal with it when she found out I had it.

What I do is just work around it; I know it's hardly modest, but I have a fairly sizable vocabularly, and so if it comes to me using a word that I can't say - or a case of alliteration - I just think of another one that works in the context that I can actually say; although this sometimes means that there're pauses in my speech as I think of a word. 'Part from that, I don't have much trouble.
Reply 8

Anyone here on TSR with a stammer or stutter, or know someone who stammers?

How has your stammer affected your life? What have you done to surmount it?

Incidentally, I've got a stammer - I find it sometimes that I can maintain complete fluency of speech but other times I have 'blocks', in which I can't phonate. It's pretty irregular, I must say.

To those of you who don't know what stammering is, check out this link. It's pretty good.

Your input would be most appreciated.

Thanks :smile:

AAAAAAW! My guy-friend has always had a stammer and I found it endearing. Sorry I can't offer much help with it, all I know is he used to practise talking slowly and choosing words carefully.
Reply 9
I know someone who has a fairly bad stammer, but he doesn't seem to be bothered about it, and nobody finds it a problem.
I tend to stumble over some of my words occasionally, and it can be really annoying at times!