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Reply 1
i had that same problem after using them for a day (altho we did go around london)

last time i had crutches the handles were smooth plastic and so didnt rub, this time i had rubber grip type ones and they hurt me so bad ive still got the blisters now and it was about 2 weeks ago. i gave up using them cos my hands hurt more than my foot!

only advice i can give is get some sponge type padding stuff and get it stuck on thsoe handles, it might help, otherwise try for diff cructhes

i feel ur least id only sprianed my tendons.....
Reply 2
Cycling gloves? Not so good in the heat but you can get some that dont have fingers on so would be cooler.
Reply 3
stringbacks :biggrin:
Reply 4
I used this thick foamy stuff on mine when I had them - kind of like a thicker version of the stuff used for camping mats - until my dog chewed it off :rolleyes:
Reply 5
Ties socks round the handles.....sounds odd, but it's a simple solution and does help :smile:.
Reply 6
Yeah, pad the handles. I found that foam pipe insulation (I think it's called lagging?) worked, and it was about the right shape and size to fit the handles.
Reply 7
ouch yes i remember those....... i never found anything to help so i just used to keep stopping and wiping my hands, the rubber grips makes your hands sweat like mad and makes the pain even worse!

i wish id thaught of these things that are being suggested
Reply 8
my sister used some (borrowed!) fingerless weightlifting gloves which apparently worked really well.
Reply 9
Thanks for the advice people.
I'm going away for a week now, so I'll just try the socks for now. Hmm... perhaps if I wore my fingerless gloves, and put cotton wool pads inside them...?
Reply 10
When my ex had crutches I made a lovely job of them - bought a back of like washing up sponges and taped them on...they were well comfy.
Reply 11
Awwww i know what you are going through :hugs: I was on them recently for ruptured ligaments :s: And i gained blisters, through lots of walking (biology filedtrip), however i found the best solution to be wearing cycling gloves, however i still have blisters but they didnt hurt so much. Good luck and i hope your ankle gets better :smile:
Reply 12
I'm on crutches at the mo for a sprained ankle, they had to put bandages on mine because they gave me a rash. I've not had any blisters so I'm guessing that bandages would work.

Hope you're better soon.


Reply 13
i am on crutches now and i have tied bandages around the hand grips, i had blisters and they are now clearing up thaks to bandages :smile:
Reply 14
using cycling glove whch are gel padded are great as it doesnt cause chaffing or blistering on the skin
Use fingerless cycling gloves that have gel padding. ..prevents blisters I use crutches on n off due to an issue and each time is for like 3 months and never get blisters. .also on a night moisturise ur hands generously to relax your skin...take it from someone with experience using crutches for SIX YEARS x
it also adds grip where padding can make ur hands sweat more and lose grip so makes crutches more dangerous to use.
(edited 10 years ago)
How do you keep the bandages in place?
My eyes are ****ed. I read this as 'crushes and bitches'.

(Also, OP's post is from 2006.)
Original post by godivaontherocks
My eyes are ****ed. I read this as 'crushes and bitches'.

(Also, OP's post is from 2006.)

You're not alone! I read it as in I thought the title meant they had blisters on their crutch.......
Original post by Reeeeyah
You're not alone! I read it as in I thought the title meant they had blisters on their crutch.......

LOL at least neither of us read it as 'blisters on their crotches'. :biggrin: I am so immature...