The Student Room Group
i wouldn't worry about it, your time will come one day, keep ya chin up
Reply 2
Maybe she was too pissed and just didn't see you?

Or maybe she has a crush on you and was too embarassed to hug you?

Who knows.
Reply 3
do you know this girl? where you stood away so she didnt see you or thaugt shed already hugged you. couldve been anything,, i wouldnt read to much into it
Reply 4
Maybe she was too pissed and just didn't see you?

Or maybe she has a crush on you and was too embarassed to hug you?

Who knows.

Or not?
Reply 5
thanks for the responses people.... i do know the girl.... i know it seems really silly, but i get really upset by this sort of thing, ive never had a gf which sucks and it doesnt feel like im gonna meet anyone because of the way i look, i dont know if im ugly or not, i get so many different responses from girls... e.g. on the train today a girl was looking at me and i looked in to her eyes and she just looked down at her purse with a dirty look, this always happens to me... i always just end up being friends with people.... life sucks....
Reply 6

i feel like im so ugly, went to a party thing tonight, as we all have stuff to do tommorrow we called it off early, this girl hugged every guy there apart from me..... i dont understand it.......

Strangely enough, it could actually mean she might fancy you. You know - logic says: if I hug him maybe he'll think I like him and then I'd be embarrassed cus I'll have to confess. Or, hugging him gives me the butterflies and I don't wanna get confused cus I'm having a good time and don't wanna ruin things between us. Or, I will HAVE to kiss him if I hug him, but I don't know if he likes me, so I simply won't hug him.

I could be way off the margin and be totally and utterly wrong, but it is logical to think such distinction actually indicate that she might fancy you. My housemate next year and her fiance - he was crazy about her and his entire body language, to the girl, was complete lack of interest cus his body never points to her, as if he doesn't wanna face her. Well, now they're engaged.

So, chin up. And if I'm wrong and she didn't hug you simply cus she forgot, then it's not worth worrying about. If she didn't hug you cus she doesn't like you, then she isn't worth you getting upset over. :hugs:
Reply 7
Or not?

Justify please!
Reply 8
Justify please!

My disagreement is enough justification.

i feel like im so ugly, went to a party thing tonight, as we all have stuff to do tommorrow we called it off early, this girl hugged every guy there apart from me..... i dont understand it.......

Maybe she knew all the other random guys except you...:rolleyes:
Reply 10
nope... i know for a fact thats not the case sharp shooter
nope... i know for a fact thats not the case sharp shooter

Yeah well maybe you should have given her a hug instead then:wink:
Reply 12
I reckon she could fancy you...I've done the same as her before; hugged every guy except one and the one I didn't was the one I really liked!

Don't read too much into how people look at you, the girl on the train might have just been a bit uncomfortable with you catching her eye as she would with any guy or she might have felt embarrassed! You never know.

You're probably no way near as ugly as you think! Everyone has at least ONE good feature about them! Smile and be positive :smile:
Reply 13
Maybe you had puke down your shirt or spilled a drink?
Reply 14
nope, had a couple of drinks but a clean shirt... but i could understand then why she wouldnt want to hug me... theres no point thinking about it really, it could be because she liked me which i doubt or it could be cause of the situation it could be because im a minger, lol, it could be because of anything... thanks for all your help people... i really appreciate it.. im gonna call it a night... have a good one..
Reply 15
I think the most likely reason is that you lack confidence. It's probably nothing to do with your looks. People pick up on confidence subconsciously. If you don't have it, you don't get noticed as much. Same thing happens to me. You just don't appear approachable so people don't reach out to you as much.

I suppose she might fancy you, but judging by what you've told us about yourself it's more likely a confidence thing.
similar things have happened to me, are u a quiet shy person? if so then that will prob explain it, she may feel she doesnt no u well enuff to hug u or that if she does u may take it to mean something it doesnt